Chapter 12 - Lazy Dragon and Let It Go

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Hiccup jumped onto Johan's boat and made his way below deck.

He went up to his sleeping dragon, who had his head resting near Liry.

Hiccup grabbed a bucket full of cold water and proceeded to dump it on his brothers head.

" WHAT IN THE NAME OF SMOTHERING SMOKE BREATHS!!!!" Toothless roared waking the other dragons as they all shot up with a start.

" Ah, what, where's the fire, who died?" Hookfang and the Zippleback twins screamed, they soon noticed Hiccup was on the floor laughing hard, Toothless glared at him hard.

" You should have seen your faces, they were priceless." Hiccup said through tears of joy.

" Ok fishbone, what do we owe the pleasure of you rudely waking me up while I was having a good dream." Toothless questioned his rider.

" Why did you wake us up, is the party over?" Stormfly asked the boy yawning.

Hiccup went over to his trunk and began taking his party clothes off.

" Well, where do I begin, I found out that Elsa and Anna were the children of the family who raised me." He threw his shirt off and onto Hookfang's horns, the dragon growled trying to pry the fabric of his head.

" Their parents are dead, talking to people is a lot easier than I was expecting." Toothless laughed, Hiccup had really been stressing out about talking to people.

On the way over Hiccup had been practising how to speak human to him, as he was the only one who understood it.

" Oh, and Anna and Elsa got into a fight, which caused Elsa to unleash her ice magic scaring everyone." Hiccup tightened his armour and adjusted his records.

" Now Anna and I are going to go find Elsa, because she ran away in fear, any questions?" Hiccup asked as he put his helmet on and a thick fur cloak over his shoulders.

The dragons looked at him dumbfounded and just blinked.

" Wait are you serious, this Elsa girl has powers like you," Meatlug asked curiously.

" Yes, although hers are more out of control at the moment due to her emotions." Hiccup told the husky dragon.

" Interesting, I thought you were the only human with powers," Liry stated heading up onto the deck

" Ok any more questions, good let's go get the Queen of Arrendale back before the town freezes forever." The dragons followed Hiccup and looked around at the surrounding Landscape.

" You weren't kidding, she's frozen everything," Hookfang said starting to shiver, he set his body on fire so he was warm.

" Hookfang your such a big baby, it's not even that cold." Stormfly cackled at the grumbling dragon.

" Oh shut up Stormfly, you know I hate the cold." He retorted back at the proud Nadder.

" Would you lot shut up, can't you see Hiccup is planning," Liry growled, Hiccup facepalmed for the second time that evening.

" Guys I think only a few of you should come,  that way when we find Anna, she won't freak out." Hiccup told his friends. Stormfly and Liry stepped forward agreeing to come with him.

Toothless warbled and looked at his rider with a smirk, as the three dragons took off leaving the others behind.

" Let me guess, you're Helping this Anna girl because you like Queen Elsa?" Hiccup tried not to look at his dragon and coughed awkwardly.

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