19. Jealous

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" I'm jealous of the way you're happy without me."

- Labrinth -

A week has passed after Jeongguk apologized to the elder and nothing changed. Taehyung still tried to avoid Jeongguk and spends his time with the hyungs (including Minjae) to detract his attention from the younger.

It's a slow process or maybe it's hardly working for Taehyung. It's hard to ignore the brown head who's really trying his best to be better than before. It's hard when Taehyung's heart still wants Jeongguk and no one else.

How about Minjae? Don't he want Minjae? He's sweet, kind, and considerate. He's always there when Taehyung needs him. Why not Minjae? Maybe Taehyung will learn to like the elder soon.

Taehyung just can't take his heart off from Jeongguk yet. It's kind of stupid, yes. But he just can't seem to do anything more than to avoid the younger.

"Earth to Taehyung?" Minjae giggled while waving his hands in front of the aforesaid male's face.

Taehyung blinked rapidly and laughed sheepishly, "S-sorry." He said with a blush, slightly embarrassed.

"What're you thinking, Taebear?" Jimin asked and placed his head on the younger's shoulder.

"Nothing, Chim. Don't worry." Taehyung shook his head with a soft smile.

Jeongguk silently stared at the grey-haired boy and the male with ash brown hair who is gazing at Taehyung, too.

Is this what Taehyung feels whenever he hangs out with Jiyeon? Maybe it felt worse.

"Taehyungie, wanna have a movie marathon at my house after school?" Jeongguk asked with a hopeful tone.

Yoongi silently watched while his head is on Hoseok's lap.

Taehyung turned his head towards the youngest, his expression falling slightly, "Uhm... I'm helping Minjae Hyung to babysit his cousin and Keila afterschool... Sorry." He pursed his lips before returning to talk with the aforementioned male.

Jeongguk's shoulders slumped and his smile faltered slightly, "Oh... Okay... Have fun," he mumbled before slowly eating his lunch.

It all seems so familiar.

"Ggukie, can we hang out after school? I missed hanging out with you..." Taehyung smiled shyly as he played with his uniform.

Jeongguk looked up from his phone, "Oh, not today, Tae. Jiyeon wants me to help her with something. Sorry" He said and continued to text the aforementioned girl while Taehyung nodded, his shy smile turned into a sad one.

Awfully familiar.

Jimin scoot closer to the youngest and patted his shoulder gently, "Meet me when the classes are over." He simply said.

Jeongguk stared at the elder with confusion but nodded nevertheless.

Taehyung pouted, "Keibear, be careful! You might trip and fall. Same to you, Zoozee, slow down." He asserted.

Keila tapped on Taehyung's legs with a grin, "Tag, you're it!" She exclaimed before running away.

"What--" the grey head froze while trying to process what just happened. Minjae laughed and began to run, too, "Catch us if you can~" he teased, still sprinting.

Taehyung's mouth formed into an 'o' shape before he ran after them with a giddy grin.

"Run for your lives!"

Jimin sighed, "You'll need a lot of time and effort before you get Taehyung back, Gguk. Yes, we've been harsh on you but we wanted to make you realize that what you did was wrong. It's for your own good, Gguk. Trust us," He sincerely said.

Jeongguk nodded with teary eyes, "Thank you, Hyung. Thanks to all of you. You guys helped me so much. Thank you. I will never regret befriending all of you." He said with a soft and thankful smile.

"Yeah, whatever..." Jimin grinned and shook his head, "Anyways... The reason why you're here is that I wanna give you something..." The blond pulled out a small green folded paper.

"What's that?" Jeongguk tilted his head slightly. Jimin handed him the bantam sized paper to the younger.

"Hep! Don't open it yet. Open it when you're in your house or somewhere private and comfortable." The elder said hastily.

They're currently in their lunch spot but it's just the two of them at the moment.

"Don't tell Taehyung or the hyungs about that, I'll be in trouble..." The blond shrugged.

Jeongguk frowned, "I swear, Jimin. If this is drugs I'll--"

"Of course not, coconut head! The heck.." Jimin scrunched his nose.

The younger chuckled and gently placed the paper inside his pocket.

"But why though?" Jeongguk tilted his head towards the side once again. Jimin hummed before answering, "I got that when I had a sleepover with Taehyung. It can help you." He said.

The brown head raised his eyebrows, "So you stole this from him?" He asked.

Jimin huffed and crossed his arms with an offended look, "Do I look like a thief to you? And for your information, I didn't steal that, I just secretly borrowed it... You should be thankful to me, I'm still rooting for my TaeGguk ship. I could've given this to Minjae you know? " he sassed.

"Okay, okay, sheesh, calm down, will you?" Jeongguk raised both of his arms in surrender, "Thank you, Hyung." The younger grinned.

"Yeah, whatever." Jimin winked.

Taehyung, Minjae, Keila, and Zoozee laid on the floor with sweaty bodies. They just finished playing tag and they're drained.

The two kids zoned off while Minjae stared at the sleepy Taehyung.

"Don't you think you're too harsh with Jeongguk? I mean-- he's trying... He's slowly improving every day..." Minjae said out of nowhere.

Taehyung frowned, "It's complicated, Hyung." He sighed.

Why can't my heart just cooperate with my brain?!

|>End of Chapter Nineteen <|

So I just discovered that blond is used when it's a boy and blonde when it's a girl. Brunet for boys and brunette for girls. I just wanted to share...

Do you wanna give Jeongguk a second chance?

Is it okay to use your username, granny? zoozeegirl

Stay safe and always remember that I love you!❤ Yup, even if you're a ghost reader, I still love you! Mwah! ❤❤|

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