/2/ Lost Faith

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Trust the Lord
with all your heart and
do not lean onto your own

- Proverbs 3:5

- Proverbs 3:5

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Mathematics, one of my favorite subjects. Most of the students hate it because of the brain-twisiting equations and long formulas. Nitwits, they are!

Most people hate being challenged because they are afraid to fail. What they don't know that everytime they fail, comes a lesson. And if there's a lesson to learn, there's a growth.

Good brains don't work in shallow and easy-going learnings. It takes a sharpener to sharpen a pencil. And it takes challenges to sharpen a mind.

Don't be afraid to grow.

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x² + y² + 4x - 5 = 0
(x² + 4x) + y² = 5
(x² + 4x + 4) + y² = 5 + 4

(x + 2)² + y² = 9

Center = (-2,0)
Radius = √9 or 3

- - -

After writing the equation and the answers on the board, I put back the chalk inside the chalk-box, then stood firm in front of the class.

Piece of cake.

With pokerface, I turned around and faced my classmates. They are sitting on their respective seats. All eyes on me. Some of them seem concentrated, some are with squinting eyes, some almost doze off, some seem not interested, and some are simply daydreaming with my presence. Typical students.

"And that's how you transform an equation to find the center and the radius," I said, loud enough for everyone in the room to hear my voice. "Any question?"

No one speaks. Literally. No one.

So the subject teacher, who's standing nearby the corner, stepped forth and started clapping his hands. "Very good, Mr. Davidson. You never fail to impress me!"

Nagsipagsunuran naman ang mga classmates ko at pumalakpak din sila. Great. Stupid being really follows the crowd's flow, even though they don't know the reason why they're following it at the first place. Tch.

As the teacher stood in front, he said that I may now take my seat. So I walked across the room and went back to my chair. It's right at the corner and adjacent by the window, with desk in my front.

"How'd you manage to know that equation?" Brint, my seatmate, leaned over my side to ask that stupid question. "Are you some sort of wizard who can see through the future or psychic who can read the answers behind questions, huh? Huh?"

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