Chapter 12

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JACOB DROPS ME OFF and I hug him goodbye. I really do miss Ohio but I'm almost starting to love this place more. I can't believe that someone like Jacob even noticed me with the number of girls in this school. 

Both him and Miles are the hottest guys in school, or so I've heard from almost every girl who walks past me. I look over to the bed to my far right and I see Chrissy snoring. For some reason, I'm happy she's finally in her dorm room. 

I look at my new phone. I chuckle as I notice that Jacob already added himself as my first contact. I need to text Jace and I will as soon as I have the capability of forming a sentence. I'm too tired to think about anything else but sleep. 

I stare at the ceiling . . . what I can see of it anyway due to the light being turned off, it's weirdly dark in this room despite the sun coming up. I'll probably end up sleeping all day. 

After tossing and turning for what seems to be an hour I realize I can't sleep. My feet lead me towards the door and before I know it I'm looking for Jacob's dorm. I miss his cologne and I need to return his jacket anyway. I knock lightly on the door before realizing that he isn't there.

 How could I be this naïve? of course, he isn't here, he drove off right after dropping me off, where was he going?

I decide to try my luck and open the door and to my surprise, it's unlocked. After a few seconds of debating whether or not I should break an entry but I can't help but go against everything I believe in. I close the door behind me, locking it.

 It's even darker in this room than it is in mine. His pillows are softer than anything I've ever touched, which makes me fall asleep instantly.

I'm AWOKEN by a loud sound, my eyes are too tired to care but I force them to. I quickly realize that I'm not in Jacob's room, everything is . . . black?


I start to panic, I need to get out of here. In my effort to escape I accidentally knock my leg into a shelf and it opens. I quickly reach my hand to the shelf in an effort to close it but something catches my eye. 

Inside the shelf are black boxes aligned perfectly to cover every part of whit there is. Car keys, money, and expensive watches fill up the small boxes.


I stare at them for a good minute, brushing my fingers over the items.

"Going through my things huh?" A male voice asks. I quickly turn around only to see Miles staring right at me with wild hazel eyes.

"Miles? I'm so—" He cuts me off.

"Don't worry, it's okay. I like looking at them too." I'm surprised he isn't mad, he drops another set of car keys in one of the boxes before shutting the drawer with his foot.

"It's a collection, really." He says calmly and collectively.

"Are these all y—?"

"I'm helping some friends keep them safe." He smirks.

"The friends from the party?" My mouth asks and I want to mentally slap myself. His expression turns from a smile to an angry gaze.

"You listen in on my conversations too?"

"I . . . " I can't find any words, they're there, they just won't come out.

"someone who isn't your business." He says harshly.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't even be here . . ." I start.

"Maybe your parents should have taught you manners instead of how to protect your precious flower." He barks, his words cutting deep. I walk towards the door with tears threatening to spill any second. 

Miles's footsteps follow me and I turn around. Hiss hand slams against the door above me, The fingers on his other hand lift up Jacob's jacket.

"you forgot this." He says clearly annoyed before opening the door with a sarcastic smile.

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