Chapter 26

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Madison leaves me alone with this asshole. I get it, but she's way too nice, she doesn't have to accompany Chrissy to the bathroom. I've never understood why girls need each other every step of the way. 

I try avoiding eye contact with the fucker diagonally opposite of me, I want nothing to do with him. A part of me wants to get into a fight with this douchebag, but that's not exactly my character . . . at least not now, not when I have Madison.

 The waitress walks towards us but quickly turns around. I'm confused until I see the look on Miles' face. He looks like he's about to kill someone. We both stay silent and I prefer it that way. I notice his fucked up hand. His knuckles red like they always are. He always gets into some kind of trouble, of course, he does, it never surprised me and it certainly doesn't now. He's the infamous Miles, of course, he gets into fights and god knows what else these days.

All of a sudden a smirk appears on his face. 

"how do you not even know that your little girlfriend doesn't like ketchup?" I try keeping my cool even though I'm surprised at him breaking the silence. 

How long do girls even stay in bathrooms? There's probably a party in there with girls gathering from everywhere in the restaurant to complement each other or something.

"How do you not know anything about Chrissy?" I bark, staring right into his dark eyes.

"Well, she's not Madison is she?" He says with a cool tone and I'm a little caught off guard.

"jealous Miles?" I say, returning his smirk.

"Oh please," He says picking at his fingernails.

"I have Chrissy, she's sexy too . . . in her own way, of course, not that you'd get it, chasing after girls like Madison." He says with a wink. It takes everything in me not to punch that look off of his face.

"Don't act so stupid Miles, you know girls like Madison only come around once in a while, and I intend on keeping her mine."

"intend what you want Jacob, but we both know you can't keep girls for too long . . . remember last time?" He hisses.

"Watch it." I bark, balling my fists under the table until I see her, Madison. I haven't had the best relationships but Madison is different.

Madison's POV

Chrissy washes her hands but suddenly turns to me. "can you help me?" she says pointing at her hair that's stuck in her necklace.

"Do you think they'll kill each other?" she giggles and I smile.

"I think they just might," I say, pulling her necklace slowly out of the tangled hair. We quickly rush outside hoping that a fight hasn't escalated. Chrissy lets out a deep breath as soon as she spots the two having a decent conversation.

"What did you two talk about?" I ask Jacob as I sit down next to him.

"Nothing important," Jacob says, his eyes on Miles'

"So, party next Friday anyone?" Miles says as he looks at me with a big smirk and I nearly choke on my water.

"Nah, dude me and Madison have something romantic planned." He says with a wink. Miles looks like he's about to say something but decides against it. 

"You know Miles, we would have been able to show up if you hadn't ruined my plans with Madison last Friday. 

I look at Miles to see his reaction but he remains unphased. A woman in high heels and a short dress walks past us and Miles' eyes don't leave her until she passes by us. 

I feel disgusted and I can see Chrissy glaring at him but he doesn't care. Miles doesn't deserve Chrissy and she doesn't deserve him.

"What happened at the last party?" Chrissy asks confused.

"Nothing babe, leave it," Miles says and Chrissy instantly stays quiet even though it's clear she's dying to know. The bill arrives and Miles plays a small smile on his lips.

"I'm paying," Chrissy demands before taking a look at the bill.

"You're getting the five hundred dollar bill for us? Well, in that case, thank you, babe." Miles smirks before attempting to stand up but Chrissy stops him.

"since it is a date, I'll let you get the bill this time," Chrissy says and Miles laughs and I giggle. Jacob stands up, his blue old skool vans slamming against the floor. 

He pulls me towards him before saying; "Happy anniversary love birds."

"Thanks," Miles says. I smile to Chrissy telling her my goodbyes and she returns them. Jacob's hand slides onto my lower back as we start to walk away.

"Oh and Madison?" Miles says. My head turns back but Jacob stays facing the door.

"I'll see you around baby girl," Miles smirks and takes another sip of his black drink. 

My stomach turns. I glance over at Chrissy to see her reaction but she seems unphased, even giggling a little. 

How can she be so unbothered?

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