Chapter 40

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HI guys!! I made a book trailer for the perfect storm it's more geared to the later chapters (after this one) Hope you guys love it!! <3 <3 

Our two-hour-long drive has finally stopped and I look around my surroundings for the first time in a while, after agreeing to tell my mom about Jacob I haven't been able to think about anything else. 

Light snow carpets the ground and specks of snow rest all over the trees. Jacob parks the car and I notice his knuckles except this time they seem to be even more bruised.

"Football practice." He says before stepping out of the car but I know there's something more he's not telling me. Chrissy and Miles have already brought all of our groceries inside. 

I grab my backpack and hold it tight to my chest, hoping I won't fall onto the slippery ground. The cabin is bigger than I expected and as we enter through the door I'm greeted with even more surprises. The inside is wooden but yet everything inside looks modern. The windows are large and the stairs are right in front of us.

"You guys are finally here!" Chrissy squeals and I can see the small smirk on Miles's face. She drags me into the kitchen, leaving my backpack and Jacob behind.

"I thought we could make dinner together." She smiles and I nod. The fridge is fully packed with all of our groceries. I grab a few last things out of the grocery bag before spotting a small blue box of protection. My eyes go wide and I quickly step away.

"What's wrong?" she asks but I shake my head. Chrissy smiles at me before we finally look through a recipe book. All of the recipes look so delicious but the ingredients needed are too complicated and we end up going with a simple stir fry rice recipe.


I help?" Jacob asks, stepping inside the kitchen before approaching me and hugging me from the back.

"We're okay." I smile as I peel a few carrots.

"Where's Miles?" Chrissy asks but Jacob shakes his head. I see the sad look on her face, Miles never seems to do anything romantic like Jacob does.

"We need some girl time," I say before turning to face him with a kiss.

"Go it." He winks before giving me a small peck on the lips and walking out of the room.

"So how is everything? I heard Jacob had a total meltdown at the Halloween party." Chrissy breaks the silence. I stare at the boiling water before finally being able to form an answer.

"Yeah, I, uh . . . everything is good, I still don't know what happened but I also know that those two have a weird history together." I smile and Chrissy


"They do and Miles won't ever spill anything to me,"

"Speaking of Miles . . . could you go find him? I'll set the table for us." She smiles and I nod. As I walk out of the kitchen I try to spot Jacob somewhere nearby but then notice that the downstairs bathroom is locked. 

My feet quickly take me up the wooden steps and I look around once again but Miles doesn't seem to be there.

"Miles?" I call subtly but don't receive an answer. All of the doors are open except for the one on the far left. The faint sounds of silverware being placed on the table sound from the downstairs as I walk towards the door, knocking lightly.

"Mi—" I start but the door opens slowly before I can continue. Steam travels our of the bathroom and Miles appears with a white towel hanging too low on his body, revealing the 'V' I saw before. His tattoos greet me in a familiar way and I'm yet again mesmerized by his sculpted and painted body.

"I—" I try.

"is dinner ready?" he asks with a smile. Why is he being polite all of a sudden? Small drops from his black hair fall onto the wooden floor as he holds the towel tightly in place.

"y . . . yeah." I smile.

"great," he raises his brows.

"ill be right down." He breathes before slamming the door in my face. I sigh before heading towards the stairs.

"Maddie, wait." I hear Mils's voice say.

"Can you hand me the button down in my room." He asks and I nod before heading towards the room he's pointing at. 

Even though I don't know her, I feel like Valentina who must constantly be putting up with Miles. The bathroom door closes and I sigh again before entering the room.

 Everything is wooden around us and a small bed rests on the left, it almost looks like a dorm. I turn on the light and see a chaotic mess, clothes are scattered everywhere and they're all black except for a purple color peeking under Miles's button-down. 

As I lift up the material I see a bra and am instantly disgusted. I knock on the door and hand Miles his black button-down. He's wearing black ripped jeans that perfectly compliment his hard stomach.

"oh, I don't need this." He says with a smirk as he pulls out a blue box from his pocket. I'm disgusted yet again and I scrunch up my nose.

"keep it." I surprise myself by saying, he smirks before shutting the door. I travel downstairs and sit down at the dinner table along with Jacob and Chrissy.

 I smile before taking Jacob's hand in mine. We still haven't fully talked about the meltdown he had but I don't think we need to, the way I feel with him makes me wasn't to forgive everything that happened. 

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