Chapter 20

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I shut the door behind me before following Miles who's a few steps in front of me. He clicks the key and the engine turns on with music blasting. 

"My bad." He says turning it down. I don't say anything.

 I'm still confused as to why he's giving me a ride. I'm not sure how to act around him, I barely know him, and now I'm alone in a car with him. I find myself wishing I had said 'no' and instead stayed home, finishing my homework. The car is parked but he still steps on the gas and gives a subtle smirk.

"That's stupid," I say and his smirk instantly disappears. His black jeans compliment the black leather in the car, the wheel seems so powerful yet he turns it with only one hand. His thin black and gold bracelet appears out of his silky black jacket. His black diamond earring shines as his head turns. His perfectly gelled hair stays in place, complimenting his face. His hand rests on his thigh as the other one controls the wheel. He bites his lip as he pushes harder on the gas pedal.

"late to your own party?" I ask smiling, knowing that the parties usually start at midnight and it's a few minutes past.

"I'm always late." He says coolly, everything about him is cool, every single sentence, every word, and every letter. 

He glances over at my legs and I notice my skirt is unusually high up, I quickly pull it down and he smirks. I shouldn't even be here . . . with him going to a party. I'd rather be in my warm bed after a scolding hot shower. He drives fast . . . to fast, crossing every red light.

"You really shouldn't pass red lights," I say a little frightened.

"No ones around. Don't worry." He says, licking his lips and speeding up even more.

AS SOON AS HE parks his car it's like he wants nothing to do with me. He disappears into the crowd and I'm left alone next to his car. Now I'm really wishing I was home.

The smell of alcohol hits me and I scrunch my nose. People swarm around everywhere, dancing, and throwing up. I can't spot Jacob anywhere nor Miles for that matter. A couple of people hand me red cups and by the time I get to the stairs I have three in my hands.

"Heavy drinker huh?" Miles asks as he stands behind me, I chuckle. "No, I jus—"

"go on then, drink it." He says with a smirk, his hazel eyes daring me.

I put the cup to my lips and take a tiny sip. It's disgusting but I make no reaction. His eyes are wide. 

"I wouldn't go upstairs if I were you. It's kind of a fuck only zone." He says and my eyes instantly go wide at his vulgar words. He gives me a slight smile right before leaving.

 I decide to sit down on the couch and before I know it, two guys wearing glasses approach me. I'm uncomfortable even though they try making me as comfortable as they can, going as far as to fluff the pillow behind me. I can't do this alone. Maybe I should drink? Just a taste, I won't get drunk from a few sips and It's not like I'll be driving. Everyone around me is either drunk or drinking and I'm sticking out like a sore thumb.

"We're thinking of leaving, want to join us?"

"no thanks." I smile before gabbing a red cup and gulping down the burning liquid. My throat feels dry and yet I want more of the addicting substance. I start feeling relaxed, my whole body feels warm, I'm instantly hooked on the feeling.

"Liking the peach vodka?" the guy sitting next to me asks, with his braces almost making him stammer. 

"Sure." I smile. I gulp down another drink, I want to numb my body  down, Jacob isn't even here, Miles must have tricked me. Why would he do that?

"The last time I checked, this wasn't a nerd party," Miles says, approaching slowly. I giggle at his words, I can't already be tipsy . . . can I? I feel like every thought seems to be wanting to come out of my mouth.

"Miles . . ." one of the boys stammers and I can't help but laugh. Miles looks intimidating but he's not . . . he's Chrissy's boyfriend. He glares at them and they quickly get up, leaving through the big door. I'm still not used to this big house. It's all black and it looks to be made mostly out of glass. A few girls turn their heads to see what's happening.

"Madison?" Miles says as he stands still.

"Are you drunk?" he asks, his expression almost . . . concerned?

"Here, let me take you upstairs." He says, helping me stand up.

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