Chapter 75

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"What was that?" I ask harshly as he finally drags me back into the car.

"Nothing." He states, his voice serious and harsh. He reverses out of the parking lot in a hurry, both hands on the wheel.

"Miles!" I almost yell. I surprise myself by questioning him but something about his mother didn't sit well with me and if Miles is lying about something, I have a right to know. I stare at him but he doesn't bother to look at me or to answer.

"Would you run away with me?" he asks and I look at him with confusion written all over me.

"What?" I ask.

"We could live wherever the fuck, how does New york sound? I've always wanted to live there."

"Miles what are you talking about?" I shake my head as he drives into the main road with more speed than I'm used to.

"Would that be so crazy?"

"Yes, it would be and I don't want to end up in New York, I want to live in Santa Monica," I explain. My heart starts to beat faster now and I don't know where this conversation is going to end.

"What?" he looks at me, his expression almost hurt? Realizing we have dreams this far apart scares me and I find myself not wanting to talk about it anymore.

"Santa Monica?" he asks, scrunching his nose.

"That's stupid." He adds and I part my lips to say something but I can't. 

My eyes are holding back a few tears at his comment but I can't show them to Miles, he'll laugh and for all I know he'll tell me crying is stupid.

"Drop me off," I say, trying not to let the tears show up in my voice.

"Way ahead of you." He says harshly, not even looking at me. 

I blink rapidly, trying to distract myself before taking a few deeps breaths. 

My focus finally shifts onto Miles's hands and my eyes stay there, watching that black ring on his middle finger. 

His slightly tan veiny hands bring life to the tattoos that cover the skin from his wrist to the start of his elbow. Miles's eyes shift to mine and something about them looks different. 

Something about his eyes and his gaze doesn't look familiar, his eyes look as if they're keeping too many secrets. 

I quickly shift away from his gaze and look down at my feet before I hear a buzzing sound in the backseat.

"Your phone," I mention but he shakes his head.

"Leave it." He barks but I can't just leave it. 

His phone buzzes again and I reach to the backseat to get it, spotting a pitch-black book next to his phone.

"Don't!" he barks, his hand pulling me back but before he can, I see the lit-up screen, I see the message.

Rebecca: "You have no idea how much I've missed you and that tongue of yours."

My eyes scan over the message before a few tears start to fall down onto the backseat.

"I told you not to fucking look at my stupid phone." He barks but the emotion I feel inside is stronger than any yell he can ever get through his lips.

"Stop the car," I say but she shakes his head.

"Madison—" his voice is calm and collected.

"Stop the car!" I yell. I feel like I'm in the wrong now that he's so calm but the hurt he's caused is unbearable.


"Don't 'babe' me, you've done enough Miles." I cry, the tears streaming down my face like never before. How could he do this to me? How could he have lied and in front of the church?

"What did you see?" he asks and I shake my head.

"Madison!" he yells but I shake my head again.

"All of this with your mother and now this . . . now Rebecca?! You did cheat on me and you lied to me!" I practically scream in pain and anger. The tears start to flow and I can't stop them; I don't want to.

"Madison, I would never fucking cheat on you!" He yells but I know he's lying, he must be.

"Stop the car!" I yell again but when he doesn't listen I open the door and he hits the breaks harshly.

"Madison, what the fuck are you doing?!" he screams but I don't care enough to listen to him, he hurt me like no one else ever could.

"Madison, get the fuck back here!" he yells, chasing after me, the car doors open and the car parked by the side of the road. His hands reach to hold me but I flick them away.

"Don't touch me!" I scream and he backs away, his face soft and his features almost hurt but after a few steps his features turn harsh again and this time they're even rougher.

"Fine." He spits onto the ground, his tongue moving in his cheek and his jaw clenched. His dull eyes look at me and then to the ground right beneath me.

"Get your own fucking ride home!" He barks, throwing his phone onto the ground, smashing it with his foot before getting back into the car and driving away, leaving me by the side of the road. 

I look at his car driving away and the tears start to pour like never before. I look at the dark woods next to me and gulp down the tears rising. 

My feet can't hold me and before I know it, I collapse onto the ground, my head in my hands while I sob. He will come back, he has to. 

I cry into my hands before finally picking up his smashed phone, hoping to dial Jacob's number.

 I listen to the ringing on the phone, trying to keep my emotions at bay until I talk to him. I can't come crying to Jacob after the way I've hurt him, I can't drag him into this mess.

"Miles, I swear to god—"

"Jacob?" I cry, my tears betraying me like never before.

"Madison?!" Jacob's voice is panicked.

"He left me, he left me here." I cry, my eyes filling with more tears.

"Where are you?!" he asks loudly into the phone, his tone is worried and his words are rushed.

"I don't know, I'm by the dorm building somewhere, next to the main road," I explain, my voice barely audible through the lump in my throat.

"I'll be there in five minutes." He says and I nod to myself.

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