Chapter 44

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I walk up the stairs, wondering where Miles disappeared to.

"You joining in or what?" he asks as he sits there so perfectly placed in the hot tub with the freezing cold surrounding him. A wine bottle sits right next to him and he brushes his dark hair back.

"I didn't bring a swimsuit." I murmur as he looks at me with a smirk.

"Bra and panties not good enough?" he asks as if it's that simple. I scrunch up my nose and shake my head.

"Fine, Chrissy should have some bikinis with her." He says and I nod before closing the door to the bathroom and entering their messy bedroom.

 The closet is stuffed with unfolded clothes, making me cringe. I manage to spot a black bikini in the mess. I pull it out before entering the bathroom again, this time to slip into the swimsuit. I try to cover as much of my chest as I can but the swimsuit refuses to stay up too high. I try to cover up my chest with my brown hair but it doesn't help. 

I take a deep breath before stepping outside only to receive a long stare from Miles who seems to almost choke. I slowly step inside the burning water and his eyes seem to follow my every move. Drips of water fall from his hair and into the tub. 

He shakes his dark hair and the water from the ends go everywhere. I laugh with a small scream and he hides a smile. He takes one more sip out of the bottle before putting it on the side of the tub. His tattoos sit on his body even when the water runs over them.

 The light snow taps around our surroundings and I feel more at ease now. I'm glad that the hot tub is hidden from the blizzard outside. The beautiful snow around us makes up for not having electricity and being stuck here. I gaze at the snowflakes in awe before he interrupts;

"want some?" he asks, handing me the bottle. 

I nod, not having anything to say. I'm not sure if I even want to take a sip but the way his dark eyes are staring at me, make me want to rethink. 

He's never looked into my eyes like this before. He moves closer to me with a sinister smile that I can't help but like. Everything about him screams 'bad' but something in me keeps drawing me to him. Before I know it his hands have reached to grab my hips and I'm gently placed on top of him. His eyes travel to mine and then at my mouth. 

He licks his lips as his eyes are so fixated in mine. Being this close to him feels so right and I feel so safe. My body is tingly and electricity rushes through me like never before. My hands hold onto his broad and muscular arms, I don't know what to do with them.

"What—" I start but the way his eyes look into mine stops me. 

My heart starts to race faster as his eyes travel from mine to my lips and back to my eyes again before they rest on my lips. He leans in closer and I feel his hot breath against my cold and exposed neck.

"you don't have to like me," He whispers but I think it's too late.

"I—" I stop him by resting my arms around his neck and looking into his dark eyes, they don't look so intimidating anymore, they look inviting almost as if they're asking me to come closer. His eyes stay on my lips whilst I watch his every glance.

"What happened to having a girlfriend?" I ask, my voice low and intoxicated by him.

"Let's worry about that later." He says and his soft lips hit mine with a bang. His lips taste sweet and his minty breath invites me for more. 

His hands hold tightly onto my behind and I feel butterflies travel all over my body whilst my hands hold tightly onto the back of his neck, pulling him in for more. I push harder against him before he finally lets out a grunt that drives me to do it again.

"Oh god, I don't know how Jacob hasn't fucked you yet." He breathes heavily and my eyes go wide.

"what's wrong?" he asks as I pull away and get off of him.

"J . . . Jacob," I say in a slight panic.

"Madison--" He says confused.

"I--" I start but tears are the only thing that comes out.

"Madison don't—" He starts but I quickly get out of the tub and lock myself in the bathroom.

"What have I done?" I sigh, letting the tears flow down my face.

"what have I done?" I repeat, the question swims around in my head over and over and over again until I feel dizzy. 

Jacob didn't even cross my mind, not during dinner and not when I was kissing Miles. I sit down in the shower with my head in my hands.

 As I stare at my bare legs, my heart aches and I don't know what to do. 

My mother warned me about boys like him but here I am; falling for his trap. I shake my head, I don't know what to do or what kind of a mess I've gotten myself into. Miles and I aren't meant to be together, we're polar opposites. 

The strong rain taps against the window and the wind increases.

"Yo! Maddie! Open up." Miles's voice yells as he knocks harshly at the door. I wipe away the tears before standing up and opening the door.

"Why did you—" I start.

"Why did I what?" he interrupts, those dark eyes staring right at me, stopping the words from coming.

"I don't know," I say, my voice low and frightened.

"None of that meant anything." He says and my heart sinks a little. A tear streams down my face. How could I have been so stupid?

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