Chapter 25

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JACOB PARKS in a tight spot next to a fancy white car. Everything here looks fancy, the restaurant is lit up with all kinds of lights and the tables outside are full of guests.

We step out and he throws his beautiful keys into the air right before caching them. As soon as we step in we hear the loud music playing through every corner. I hold his hand and we both frantically search for Chrissy and Miles before finally spotting the two laughings with drinks in their hands.

Mile's eyes look up at me slowly before he turns to Chrissy. My heels click against the floor as we finally reach their table in the middle. Tables full of people surround us. Miles is sitting next to Chrissy, looking into her eyes while she plays with his hair, Miles gives her that smile of his, his tongue on his canine whilst a bright smile plays at his lips.

Jacob gestures for me to sit onto the couch which happens to be right in front of Miles. It feels weird being right in front of him, it's almost as though me and him are the ones on a date.

He keeps his eyes on Chrissy's lap or . . . his phone I can't tell, but Miles soon senses me staring, his eyes seem to close and then open right at me in slow motion.

His eyes are a dark green hazel, he licks his lips and bites them slightly. I can't help but look away, he seems so intimidating his gaze is so strong. He pulls at his black jacket before adjusting his black watch. His veiny hands push his hair back and I notice a small black ring on his pinky.

"I'm so sorry we're late," I say to Chrissy who's eyes are glued to Miles' even though he seems to be paying no attention to her. "It's no problem." She smiles before whispering; "I got some alone time with this one."

"and you'll get some more if you behave," Miles says biting his lips and I scrunch my nose. The waitress takes our order and the four of us wait eagerly.

Somehow it doesn't feel awkward sitting here at all, even though none of us are talking. We all get even more comfortable as Chrissy decided to be the light of the party, making us all laugh, even Miles who reveals a dimple.

The music plays louder than before and yet again My eyes meet his.  The same waitress brings our food, almost spilling my sprite onto my jeans.

"Watch it would you?" Miles says in a harsh tone as he eyes the waitress.

"I'm so sorry." The waitress apologizes.

"No it's okay, please don't worry." I smile. Miles leans in with his arms on the table.

"This is a five-star restaurant, her plate is missing the dressing, send it back would you?" Miles says in a serious tone.

"yes, of course, I'm so sorry miss," the lady says before taking my meal back. I look at Miles for some explanation but his eyes are never on mine, instead, he focuses on something behind me.

My pasta finally arrives, this time it looks much better than the first time she brought it to our table. I don't even know why I order pasta, I always find something I don't like about it, and then I end up wanting what everyone else is having instead. Jacob is devouring his delicious pizza.

"Have some babe." He says and hands me a slice, my eyes instantly light up.

"Woah well if you're that happy . . ." He says and switches our plates. I smile thanking him. His arm slides down to my hip. I quickly eat the slice and grab another.

Miles stares at us like a hawk watching his next pray. Jacob scoots closer and starts to lean in. The music plays loud and we all start enjoying ourselves, everyone, except Miles, despite Chrissy's efforts to cheer him up.

"do you want me to order more ketchup?" Jacob asks kindly.

"no thank you, I don't really like ketchup." I smile. After Miles not cheering up I notice Chrissy's eyes on me.

"I'm going to the bathroom, come with Madison?" she asks in a sweet voice.

"sure." I stand up.

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