1| Morning Curses & Fights

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The thing about waking up in a bed that isn't yours, is that it takes a good second for you to realize what's going on.

I stared at the green tinted sunlight flowing effortlessly through the curtain around the four poster.
I sighed, finding the color relaxing.

Wait. Green?!

Before I could even begin to try and process this, the curtain swished to the side and Blaise Zabini was standing before me.

"Get up bitch," he grinned at me.

"What am I doing here?!" I gasped.

"Draco, are you alright?" He frowned.

"Excuse me what?"

Blaise looked un-phased.
"You must be food deprived,"

He dragged me down the stairs and out the door of the Slytherin Common room. I stared at all the Slytherins around me. No one even batted an eye.
Was I having a nightmare? I couldn't pinch myself to find out because Blaise was walking at such a fast pace.

We entered the Great Hall and still no one gave me a second glance. He sat us down at the Slytherin table and dug into the food all around us.
This had to be some kind of joke or bad dream or...

Over at my table sat a person who looked like me. The other Harry looked as uncomfortable as I felt. I was in shock, to the say the very least.
The other me finally made eye contact and glared. I returned the nasty look and he made a signal to leave.

Anything was better than dining with the Slytherins. I bolted before Blaise could say anything else.

I got into the hall and was thrown up against the wall.
The other me had grabbed my shoulders and put his wand to my throat.

"Who the bloody hell are you, trying to pass off as a Malfoy, you could never ever dream of having the honor!" He growled.

"Who are you trying to be me?!" I gasped. The other Harry paused and lowered his wand for a second.

"Is that really you, Potter?" He sneered. It looked so weird and foreign on my own face. It was like staring into a mirror except the mirror reflection had its own mannerisms.

"I'm guessing you're Malfoy then," I said.

"Yeah but you look exactly like me, and I have to say that I look fabulous,"

I rolled my eyes.
"Did you wake up in Gryffindor?"

"Yeah and it was bloody awful, all that manic red painted on the walls and that stupid Weasel snoring,"

"Hey. That's my friend," I gritted my teeth.

"Probably not for much longer once I have my fun,"

My vision clouded over in rage for a moment. He did this on purpose! To ruin my friendships!

"You bastard!," I hissed, "you pulled this stupid prank so you could get rid of my friends? Why does that even concern you?"

He stepped back, clearly alarmed by my rage.
"Do you really think that I would want to look like you? For starters, your eye sight is so damn piss poor that I thought that there were two me's in the bathroom, second of all the whole Gryffindork pride is absolute fucking bullshit, and why would I want to be the boy who lived? When I have parents?"

He went too far this time. I lunged at him, feeling slightly off about punching someone who looked like me, but nevertheless I nailed him in the middle of his face. The crack of glass beneath my fist was satisfying. He let out a whimper but I wasn't finished.

"Only a low life coward insults the dead," I screamed.

The commotion must've been overheard because soon, a whole crowd of people stood around us.
Malfoy, or me or whatever the fuck he was, wrestled to get off from the floor but I was too strong, too fueled by my anger.

"Mr. Malfoy!" A stern voice echoed off the wall.

I didn't pay attention to them, but felt myself being pulled away from Malfoy/me.

"He started-,"

"It doesn't matter you almost beat Potter here to a pulp, and for what reason?" Professor McGonagall asked, her voice deadly quiet.

That's right. She thought that I was Malfoy. Maybe I too, could have my fun. I took too long to answer.

"Never mind, I want the both of you in my office for detention tonight at 6, and Potter- you might want to go to Madam Pomfrey," she strode away, parting the crowd.

I watched as my friends ran towards the person that wasn't me.

"Harry are you alright?" Hermione grabbed Malfoy's/my arm.

He yanked it away and sulked off in the direction of the hospital wing. Ron shrugged and turned to me.

"Malfoy you'll regret this," he pointed a finger at me.

"You don't understand I-,"

"Begging,Malfoy? For a blood traitors understanding?" Someone chuckled behind me.

It was a group of Slytherins, all clad in gloom. I ignored them and headed off to class. I walked into Herbology and Professor Sprout glared at me.

"Malfoy this isn't your class!" She reprimanded. Everyone smirked and I felt my cheeks warm up. But then I remembered that they thought I was Malfoy. I didn't need to be embarrassed.

* * *

I decided to skiv off the day and hang out by the Lake. I needed to clear my head anyways.

If it wasn't Malfoy who did this whole body reverse thing, then who?
It had to be someone with strong powers. Maybe even dark magic. My pulse quickened at the thought of that.

I had fallen asleep under a tree and when I woke up, the sun was almost down.
Shit, I had detention. With Malfoy. It was just like first year, except this time it was only me and him. Oh joy.

I jogged back up to the castle and weaved my way through the halls. I made it to McGonagalls office early.
With a sigh of relief, I leaned against the wall.

"This is so weird,"

I looked over my shoulder to see Malfoy/me sauntering over. There were bandages on his wrist and a dark circle over his eye.

"Tell me about it," I snapped.

"You know if you want to pass off as me, you shouldn't run, Malfoy's never run," he walked right up to me and leaned against the same wall. I scooted away.

"And why would I want to pass off as you?" I asked.

"Obviously you did this so that you could have a better life, see what it's like to be around the good sort," he said.

I immediately flashed back to first year when he'd offered me his hand.

"I didn't do this, and neither did you," I sighed.
I wasn't in the mood for more fighting. I just wanted to get this over with, find Hermione, explain to her the problem, and then she would help me get turned back into myself.

Before he could say anything else, the door creaked open.

"Come in," McGonagall called out.

Alright kids, hi, I'm jasmine and I hope y'all will enjoy this au :)
I'm excited to write this because I love making distractions for myself during the school year. Yeah.. I'm doing that garbage online bs
Hope to see you next chap

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