20| Ethic Saves the Day

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Hermione was so irritated at us that every time she looked at me she made a little hissy noise. Ron was completely oblivious to what was going and and he was amused that for once, he wasn't at the end of Hermione's wrath.

"Wow Harry what did you do to piss her off?" Ron grinned

"I don't know," I lied.

"Come on, you have to have some idea!"

"I really don't mate," I sighed.

"Hmm..." Ron shrugged it off and went on to chatter about some quidditch player.

Just when the conversation had begun to turn interesting, I was tapped on the shoulder.

Ron shrunk beside me under the shadow.

"Mr... Potter," Snape's cold voice chilled my spine.

"Y-yes?" Ron answered instead.

"Shut up Weasley, I'm not speaking to you," Snape glared at him.

"Yes sir?" I asked calmly.

"Come with me," he ordered.

Ron gave me a pitiful look while I was being marched away to the dungeons.

Neither of us said a word until we got to his office.
Instinctively, I looked around for Draco.

"Looking for your co-conspirator?" Snape said finally.

I only shrugged.

I needed to keep my cool this time, no matter what Snape was going to say. There was more on the line here than my pride this time.

"Who else was with you when you hexed me!" He asked sharply.

"I don't know because I wasn't the one who did it," I said.

"We both know that's a lie," he growled.

"It's not sir," I insisted.

"You're lucky it's against school ethic to use a truth potion on students because I would bury you," Snape's voice dipped even lower than before. I had to strain my ears to catch his words.

I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Still, I forced myself to meet his eyes.

"Professor I didn't do this, I assure you," I said again.

"Get out of my sight," he bowed his head to the floor, "before I decide to bend the schools ethic rules,"

I didn't need to be told twice, but I didn't want to look too eager. I felt his cold eyes on my back the whole time I was leaving.

Ron was outside the door.

"Did you hex him Harry?" He asked.

"You shouldn't eavesdrop Ron," I muttered.

"So you did!"

"I never said that!" I snapped.

"I don't understand why you're so moody all of a sudden!" He waved his hands around, "it's like our friendship dropped off the earth and now you won't speak to me,"

"I'm talking to you now, aren't I?" I stared at him.

"Not really, this isn't us talking, this is me talking and you deflecting me!"

I stopped walking.

"Ron I'm sorry," I frowned.

"It's okay mate if you're stressed or something but you can at least tell me," he said.

"Yeah you could say I'm stressed," I nodded.

"Always so cryptic," Ron shook his head and we went back to Gryffindor tower.

* * *

"Stop, stop!" I groaned.


"Hedwig, I'm up, I'm up,"

I fumbled around for my glasses and then turned to Hedwig who was perched on my blanket. She had a small note in her clutches.

I reached for it but was met with another nip.


"Alright here's a treat, now can you give me the paper?" I pleaded.


"Okay thanks Hedwig," I took it from her, gave her a pat on the head, and she was back off into the night.

Who was sending me letters at 1:00 am?

I went under the covers and muttered a quick Lumos.


Please if you can, meet me on the quidditch pitch, like now. I want to talk to you.


I read it over twice before stuffing it into my robe pocket, shoving my feet into my shoes, and grabbing the invisibility cloak.

Yes, Hedwig says "reee" sorry, I don't make up the rules.

I know I keep apologizing but I'm feeling a little pressured to write chapters like a madwoman and the chapters are pretty quick to read but I kinda suck at concentration and don't wanna burn myself out so I hope that my updates aren't coming too slow :0

BuT ANyyWAYs sorry for my tangent :/

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