9| Jealousy & Filibuster Fireworks

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I stared at the top of the bed. Potter was obsessed with me? What did that mean? He looked pissed at Granger for saying that. It should have been the least of my worries, considering that we were planning to break in to Professor Snape's office and steal a bunch of restricted supplies. But I just couldn't stop thinking about it.

What kind of obsessed? Why was that flattering, that the most famous boy in school had an obsession with me?
Why the fuck was I still thinking about this?

I probably needed sleep. I threw the blankets over my face but the smell was overwhelming. I hadn't noticed it before but it smelled so overwhelmingly like Potter. It was like a mix of something faint and sweet. After all the weeks, his scent was still on the blankets.

How was it that everything I do, everywhere I go, somehow it always comes back to him?

* * *

We had decided to skip classes for today to plot how we'd get the potion supplies for the counter brew.
I had to wait until Potter's roommates left.
Once they did so, I slid out of bed and made my way to find the Room of Requirement.

Inside, Granger and Potter/me were chatting and each were smiling wide smiles. Something in my stomach turned.

"Oh- hey Malfoy," Potter/me waved, the smile still lingering on his face.

"Hey," I said.

"Come on now, we need to get stuff done," Granger beckoned me, "I'm not missing class for nothing,"

Potter rolled his eyes. Granger took out some parchment and started scratching a quill on it.

Master plan, she wrote.

"First we need to figure out how to distract him," Potter said, "and this time no filibuster fireworks,"

Granger laughed and wrote, no fireworks.

"Will you two knock it off so we can actually get shit done?" I snapped.

"Knock what off?" Granger asked.

"The constant flirting! It's obvious you two fancy each other but can't you do it somewhere else?" I shouted.

"I'm not- we aren't- you've got that all wrong," Potter stuttered.

"Right, whatever," I sighed.

The next hour we spent brainstorming ideas on how to distract Snape from his office. We settled on having Potter/me ask him for some help with some kind of issue since Potter looked like me, Snape's godson. While Potter lured him away, Granger and I would rush in to the office-with the invisibility cloak- and take what we needed. Besides, both of us knew exactly what to look for and this would be a quick haul.

"Alright I like the idea, but what kind of issue am I supposed to have?" Potter put his hands on his hips.

"I dunno Potter, you have a multitude of issues to choose from, try your hero complex that you've got going on," I deadpanned.

"I'm serious Malfoy, do you want this to work or not?"

"Okay okay, don't get your knickers in a twist, how about you say that you saw Weasley and Potter sneaking off and you want Snape to help you catch them?" I suggested.

Potters jaw dropped.
"That's the stupidest idea I have ever heard!"

"No no, I think it might work," Granger nodded.

"You think?" Potter's voice was getting shrill, "I'm going to be the one distracting him, this man could quite literally kill me!"

I smirked and placed a hand over his shoulder.
"It'll be fiiiinnne,"

He didn't answer, he was too busy staring at the hand on his shoulder and back at me.

I had realized what I'd done and withdrew it quickly.
"Right well, err, we have some crimes to commit... let's go," I backed away.

* * *

"Snape! I swear to you, I saw Potter and his sidekick Weasley sneak off to the forbidden forest!" Potter/me exclaimed.
He sounded exactly like me, being a fucking snitch.

Granger and I waited under the cloak, around the corner. From the sound of it, Snape was already in a foul mood.

"For once can you leave that bloody boy alone? That's all you ever talk about, Potter this, Potter that, it gets boring you know," Snape drawled.

Suddenly a sharp pain in my head sent me falling to the ground. I squeezed my eyes shut and instead of darkness I saw this bright white light and it scorched me. I groaned.

There was a figure coming towards me. I tried to get up to run but I was in too much pain. It got close enough for me to make out three different people. They all looked awfully familiar...

"Let us go!" One begged. It was Potter.

"It's not his fault, it was me!" He whimpered. He was being dragged by his cloak hood. So was another figure, hanging limply by the tall figures side.
I gasped when I saw him. It was me.

"You will never, ever put such disgrace on the Malfoy name ever again!" The tall figure roared.

My heart sunk with recognition of the voice. Severus Snape.

"Draco! Draco!" Someone whispered sharply.
I opened one eye to see Granger and her bushy hair.

"What happened?" I jumped to my feet.

"You just sort of... blacked out, it looked like you had a nightmare," she shuddered.

"I'm fine," I said, "where Harry- I mean Potter?"

"Harry has nightmares like that," she said slowly, "and he also proclaims that he's fine, but I know he's really not,"

"That's not something to discuss now!" I hissed.

"Yes it is!"

"Where's Potter?" I asked again.

"He's still with Snape, I already got the stuff while you were...,"

"Oh so you left me to die out here? Thanks Granger," I sneered.

"You just said you're fine, Malfoy," she smirked.

"Whatever, we have the shit, now let's go,"

I swears I keep ending the chapters awkwardly. Or maybe it's in my head? BAHH IGNORE ME



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