15| The List

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He reeked of vomit but I wanted him next to me.
I didn't know where Granger went. She was probably off with the Weasel right about now.

The warmth from his body was making a good attempt at leveling my head.
It felt good to be back in my own body, but I didn't want to be me. Or at least, the me that I was.

Harry was emptying his guts and all I had to say was 'ew'.
Who does that??

The vision would never come true if I kept this up. That is, if I wanted it to, and right now I wasn't sure what I wanted.

Harry offered me his friendship and that would have to suffice.

For now, at least.

"So where do we start?" He asked.

"Huh?" I stared at him.

"Remember, we were going to find who did this?"

"Oh right, yeah, sorry," I said, "let's compile a list of possible suspects,"

Harry stood from the bathroom floor and with a wave of his wand, he and the toilet was cleaned up.

"Let's go to the Room of Requirement again," he declared.

"I want to go outside, all this dark lighting is making me depressed," I groaned.

"To the lake then!" He raised his hand and marched out of the bathroom, his black hair bouncing up and down all the way.

I never really noticed how short he was until now. It was quite amusing.

When we reached the lake Harry pulled me down next to him on the grass.

"No-We can't sit on the grass-," I protested.

"Shut up and sit down," he gritted his teeth, "besides you've done it before,"

"Well I'm a Malfoy once more and we don't sit on the grass,"

Harry rolled his eyes and took out a roll of parchment from his robes.
He began scribbling something aggressively.

'People of Interest'

"I vote we put Snape on the list," he said.

"I vote that I write the rest of the list because your handwriting is awful,"

After a brief back and forth, I had the parchment and the quill in my hand and I was writing down several names.

1. Snape
2. Ron (because he hates me)
3. Blaise
4. Any person that we've pissed off in the past year

Harry grabbed the list back and scanned it.

"Wow that really narrows down the list," he said when he got to number four.

"To be honest, it could literally be anyone,"

"It wouldn't take just anyone to do something to us," he replied.

"True," I said.

"Let's start with Snape,"

"Just because you hate him doesn't mean he's behind everything," I rolled my eyes.

"That's not true! The vision, we saw him!"

"That could have been anything," I said.

Harry tossed the parchment back into my lap and sank against the tree we sat under. His lip curled into a pout.

"Fine! Fine! But first let's look into everyone else and then we can have a big investigation into Snape, is that good enough for you?"

Harry grinned at me then. A sign of approval.


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