31| Departure

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Ten minutes until departure and still no Hermione. I tapped my foot, paced the room, and had three arm wrestling contests with Draco.

What was she doing?

"Harry will you stop moving around? I'm getting motion sick," Blaise looked queasy.

"I thought you were ready for the plan," Draco snapped at him.

We were all on edge.

"Yeah, well I just remembered that I don't do too hot when I'm anxious!" Blaise screeched.

"We have to be calm," I said.

"Says the one who's fidgeting around," Blaise rolled his eyes.

"I'm saying this for the good of the group," I sighed.

"Harry! I'm here!" Hermione ran up beside me.

"Geez 'mione, what were you doing?" I demanded.

"I told you that I'd deal with Ron," she said shortly.

I didn't want to push it, it didn't seem a big deal in the light of what we were gonna do.

Oh god why couldn't I stop worrying? The plan had been laid out so perfectly, but the cautious part of me was screaming.

Just give me a minute of silence! That's all I wanted!

But things tended not to go the way I wanted.

"Students going home for break, line up at the door," McGonagalls voice carried through my internal hysteria.

"This is it," Blaise said.

Beside me Draco took my hand discreetly and gave it a squeeze.

The four of us huddled near the back and followed the others subconsciously.

"Where's Ron?" I asked Hermione quietly.

"He understands," was all she said.

We stumbled into a compartment near the back and drew the curtains all around it.

"Alright guys," Hermione stood, "let's go over the plan one more-,"

"-you're overthinking it," I interrupted her.

"Aren't we all?" Blaise whimpered.

I looked to Draco. His face was paler than its usual.

I shot him a telepathic message through my furrowed brows. He waved it aside with his hand.

Hermione carried on despite our protests, going over every single detail of the plan.

We were to get off at the train station, wait for Draco to go through the barrier, then wait some more (3 minutes to be precise), then we'd get on the two brooms we brought and make our way to the Malfoy manor.

Lucius was bringing a car to the station and we'd follow that.

I was surprised to hear that Lucius the muggle hater owned such a thing but Lucius was always full of surprises I supposed.

My stomach lurched at that revelation.

Hermione got flustered after realizing we were all zoned out and finally shut up.

"Anything from the trolley dears?" The old witch smiled at us.

Draco shook his head but I rose to the occasion and dumped out a pockets worth of money.

I retreated with my stash and eagerly dug in.

"How can you eat all of that?" Blaise blanched.

"Easily," Hermione sighed.

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