13| Confession Session

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^^hehe see that little rhyme? hehehe


After my little "confession" or whatever, we stayed on the field for a while longer. I was grateful that Harry didn't care that I was gay.

He had the Firebolt resting against his legs and was talking about how in first year, he and his friends got past a three-headed dog named Fluffy.

"Oh come on, you're full of it," I swatted his arm.

"I am not," he protested.

"If it's true, that you did all that in first year, then tell me what you guys did in second year," I said.

"Ugh not this again," Harry muttered.

"Come on then, get on with it," I smirked.

"Fine, fine, but you have to promise not to be pissed," he said.

"Oh hell, what did you do?" I was almost afraid to hear this.

Harry drew in a deep breath and proceeded to tell me how they-as twelve year olds- brewed a whole ass Polyjuice potion just to be able to talk to me and ask if I was the heir to the Chamber of Secrets.

"But yeah then our hair started turning back so we had to leave,"

"Tell me again how you got Crabbe and Goyle out of the way?"

"I told you, we basically drugged them," he said.

"Drugged?" I frowned.

"Sorry, muggle term," Harry shook his head.

"I wish I could have done that," I laughed.

"Throw your friends into a broom closet?"

"No, have all those adventures,"

Harry smiled, the expression now looking familiar on the face that now looked like mine.

"It's not too late," he said.

"What kind of adventure would we even go on?" I asked.

"We could break into McGonagalls office and try on her curlers and bathrobe,"

I shuddered.

"How about we first focus on turning back into ourselves and then we can go ransack her office,"

"Fair enough," he said.

It was quiet once more on the quidditch pitch. I picked at the grass all around me and tossed it aimlessly, as you would.

An adventure with Harry would be legendary. The rumors were definitely going to be legends later on in the future of Hogwarts.

"What's going to happen when we're back to ourselves, will everything be back to normal?" Harry asked suddenly.

"I'm not sure if I follow the question,"

"Are we going to go back to our little rivalry?"

"Oh please, it never stopped," I snorted.

"Excuse me what?"

"You're still a Potter, I'm still a Malfoy, there will forever be a rivalry,"

"So you're still gonna hate me?"

Something in his tone sent chills down my spine.

"Do you want me to like you?" I stared at him.

"What! No- well- I mean-,"

"Ugh Potter you are an absolute mess," I tut-tutted.

"Never mind," he whispered, his voice almost getting taken away by the breeze.

"If it's any reassurance, I like you well enough," I told him.

"Okay," he said stiffly.

"What?" I was beginning to get annoyed.

"I didn't say anything," he spat.

"You aren't saying what you mean, if you woul-,"

"-alright alright! So what if I like that we're getting along? And what if I'm scared that we won't when everything's back to normal? What if I want to keep you in my life? I DON'T FUCKING KNOW WHAT THIS IS!" He bellowed.

"Harry, I think you are gay," I smirked.

*Hi guy's, I just want to confirm because I've been getting a lot of comments about this, yes Harry's in fact bi in this fic, I know that isn't clear especially since that last line but it was for literary purposes (as if this is a piece of fine literature 🤪🤪)

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