6| Quidditch

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I stayed back in the Room of Requirement longer than Potter did. He was so eager to get away.

I watched as the room turned completely green with my house colors.

Who did this to us? And why? What could anyone get out of this?

We were only suffering. Someone wanted us to suffer. Well... that wasn't too hard to believe.

I sighed heavily and forced myself up and out. There was a long week ahead of being Harry Potter. When this was over he'd better thank me for all the good grades I've been raking in. I prayed for mercy on my own. Who knew what state they were in at this point?

"Ah Mr. Potter..." a cold voice stopped me dead in my tracks.
Standing behind me was Professor Snape. My godfather. I had to remind myself that I didn't look like me anymore.

"Yes?" I gulped.

"I see that you're strutting the halls-again,"

"I was just er..."

"Hmm tut tut Potter, just like your father. So arrogant and above the law," Snape's lip curled.

I had the odd urge to defend Potter's parents on his behalf but I held my tongue. Pissing off Snape was a great way to get detention and detention couldn't be afforded.

"S-sorry sir," I stammered.

His brow raised.
"Don't let me catch you again or else I'll begin to think that you're... up to something,"

With one great swoop of his robes, he was gone. Usually I was level headed in his presence but I felt this burning in my chest. Something I couldn't quite understand. I felt left out but on what, I did not know.

*  *  *

"Harry! Harry wake up mate!" Someone shook me awake.

It was Weasley. He was hanging over me, dressed entirely in scarlet and gold. I squinted at him for a moment before snapping, "What?"

"Quidditch!" He exclaimed.

I wanted to throttle him but I knew that Potter wouldn't do that to his best mate. I took a deep breath and rolled out from under the nice warm covers.

"Who are we playing against?" I asked.

"Slytherin," Weasley spat, "and more importantly, Malfoy,"

I nodded and rushed off to find the real Potter.

Unfortunately he was nowhere to be seen. He must've already headed to the locker room. I was anxious for what would happen at this match. If Potter was playing as me, the Seeker, Slytherin was sure to win. But then every Gryffindor would probably hate me for not winning against their rivals. I didn't touch any of the food that my so-called friends pushed at me.

"You've got to eat, Harry," Granger said.

"I'm gonna go," I stood abruptly.

I instantly regretted not going for the locker room straightaway because I was stuck in a swarm of scarlet and gold colors, all headed towards the quidditch pitch.

"Harry, over here!" Someone else called. It was another Weasley. Fred or George... I wasn't sure, they were basically the same thing. One of the twins yanked me into the locker room and everybody stared at me expectantly.

"What?" I felt tiny under their eyes.

"Don't you have some kind of pep talk in store for us?" One twin asked.

"Why would I have a pep talk?"

"Because you're captain, duh," The second Weasley grinned.

"Oh uhm... kick their arses?" I said sheepishly.

"Good enough for me!" The twins said at the same time and the rest of the time lined up at the door.

The crowd was electric, the aura of rivalry was in the air. The cheers for the Gryffindors was considerably louder than Slytherins. Couldn't the Slytherins cheer louder?

I scanned the field for Potter/me.
Madam Hooch blew the whistle, and we were off.

I pulled the Firebolt up higher than the rest, immediately loving how easily it responded. This broom was absolutely magnificent.

There was a swoosh of air, and then Potter/me was sidled up beside me.

"Hi," he breathed.

"What do you want," I growled.

"I don't know, I thought we'd just gossip up here," he said sarcastically.

"Shove off, I'm looking for the snitch," I rolled my eyes.

"Mm," he grunted, "isn't the Firebolt great?"

"Sure, Potter," I said.

A glint of gold fluttered by my head. I leaned forward and began the chase.

Despite the fact that Potter/me was on a Nimbus 2001, he was right next to me the whole time. Both our hands reached out to grasp the snitch when all of a sudden he gasped and pulled away.

It didn't register with me that I had caught the snitch until the Gryffindor team squashed me in a tangle.

"Potter you did it!"

There was a little celebration in the locker rooms. Everyone danced on top of the benches while Fred Weasley (I think) was whipping people with his towel. They all seemed so much closer than the Slytherins were. At the end of our games, we would just change and leave.

I waited until they were all gone and trudged onto the field. I saw a dark figure soaring over the goal posts. They flew through the hoops, plummeting down to the ground then pulling up at the last second, all the while I watched, impressed.

I screamed as they flew towards me.
There was a peal of laughter that followed.

"Did you enjoy the show, Malfoy?"

I groaned. It was Potter.

"No," I lied.

"Right," he said.

We stood there awkwardly for a few minutes until I cleared my throat.

"Why did you let me win?" I asked.

"Well we can't have Slytherin beating Gryffindor, can we?"

Something about his answer disappointed me. Then I felt angry.

"You are such an arrogant bastard!" I shoved him to the ground.
But I wasn't finished, I aimed a kick at his side. He curled up into a ball, bracing himself for my hit. I sighed, the anger retreating as quickly as it came.

He didn't get up, he rolled onto  his back and stared at the sky.

"Aren't you going to get up Potter?" I asked.

"There's no need, I'm fine,"

Sorry I ended this chap at an... awkward angle? I dunno it just seems a little funky in this preview anyways, hope you're enjoying :)

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