10| Something's A' Brewing

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I couldn't erase the creepy feeling I felt, hanging around Snape for almost an hour. It felt disgusting. I returned to the Room of Requirement but neither of them were there.

I turned on my heel to go find them, heading straight for Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom.

Sure enough, Malfoy/me was leaning against the wall outside the bathroom and talking to Hermione who was obviously in the bathroom.

"Oi, Potter's here," he called out.

"Indeed I am," I said.

"Harry, he had some kind of flashback thing," Hermione stepped out, "it was just like the ones you have,"

I turned to him.
"Is this true?"

He nodded without meeting my eyes.

"What did you see?"

"He... he was taking us somewhere," Malfoy whispered.

"Who's he?"

"Snape... I think we're having the same vision,"

We both looked to Hermione, who was back to stirring the cauldron.

"Should we tell her?" I asked.

He shook his head.
"No this is something between us, and us only,"

"We're either seeing the past or the future," I murmured.

"We've got to watch our backs," he nodded.

Both of us leaned against the doorway, causally talking back and forth. It was kind of nice how peaceful we all were.

About an hour later, Hermione stood and stretched.

"We need to wait until a quarter moon to add the powdered pixie wings," she said.

"It's second year all over again," I groaned.

"Wait what did you two do in second year?" Malfoy interjected.

"Calm down Harry, the next quarter moon is in two days," she said, ignoring Malfoy.

"Excuse me, but what did you do in second year?" Malfoy repeated.

"Ha what didn't we do in second year," I grinned, Hermione laughed.

"Come on guys, don't leave me out!"

"Maybe another time, young one," I waved my hand.

"Oh stuff it Potter I'll find out sooner or later," he glowered.

"I'm surprised you never found out," Hermione smirked.

"Hermione!" I exclaimed, "don't give it away!"

Malfoy led the way to the Room of Requirement, muttering something about scary Gryffindors.

*  *  *

"Why do you think we're seeing the same thing?" I asked Malfoy.

Hermione was long gone, she went to the Great Hall for dinner. The Room of Requirement looked like it did before, with Slytherin colors and Gryffindor's.

"Maybe because it's something we've both experienced or are going to experience," he shrugged.

"But if we already did experience it, how come we don't remember?"

"Sometimes your brain covers up trauma until something triggers it,"

Malfoy always seemed to have an answer to every question I asked. He was like a walking, talking textbook. Except textbooks were boring and he was not. There were so many things I never knew about him that I was learning here in the Room of Requirement.

He wanted to be a healer at St. Mungo's, his actual first broom was plastic and played music, and he liked sparkles.



"Why do I call you Malfoy?" I was upside down on the chair, staring at the ceiling.

"Because that's my name," he sighed.

"Your name's Draco Lucius Malfoy, not just Malfoy," I replied.

He didn't respond so I continued, "that was before I knew anything about you except that you were a surly son of a bitch, but now it feels too impersonal to call you 'Malfoy' you know what I mean?"

"Not really but alright," he said.

"I'm calling you Draco from now on," I declared.

"You do that, Potter,"

"My name includes 'Harry-,"

"-James Potter, I know," Draco interrupted.

We stared at each other from our own separate chairs.

Well aren't they scrumptiously adorable.

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