38| Closure Comes in Mysterious Ways

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Arriving back at Hogwarts felt more of a relief than usual.

Must have something to do with being arrested.

When we got off the train, Hermione bolted, leaving me to watch Blaise and Neville reunite.

It was sweet and I felt myself smiling slightly.

Draco took hold of my shoulder on his way down the steps and gave me an odd look.

"What?" I cocked my head.

"I don't know what to do... should we hug or something?" His face flushed, "well I mean, Blaise and Neville did so..."

I threw my head back, laughing. "Draco do you want to hug?"

"Yes," he said.

So we did right on the platform for everyone to see. And I can tell you that I gave zero fucks about whatever looks we were getting.

Draco was the one to break free first.
"Do you think Snape's gonna be here?"

"You can never get rid of Snape," I replied.

"I want to talk to him," he murmured.

"Is that a good idea?"
I felt apprehensive about Draco talking to Snape, after all, he's what basically dragged us into this mess.

"I need to do this, for myself," he said vaguely.

"Alright, whatever you need to do," I nodded.

(Time for a POV switch !)


I didn't want to leave Harry but there was something deep in my gut that told me I had to talk to Snape.

I made my way through the halls, passing the reunions of kids.

Oh they thought that that was a long vacation?

Try being held up in the ministry for days.

I rolled my eyes at Ginny Weasley making out with Dean Thomas.

The audacity to do that in the middle of the corridor.

By the time I reached the dungeons my mood was soured.

I raised my balled up fist to knock on the door but Snape's voice cut through-

"-come in Draco,"

I pushed the door open and made sure it stayed open just in case I would have to flee.

Instinct, am I right?

"You knew I was coming?" I asked hesitantly.

Snape didn't look up from his stack of papers. Presumably the end of term exams. For which neither Harry or I took.

"I knew, and I know many things but, the thing I don't know is how you and Mr. Potter have such good luck,"

I laughed sharply, "I'm not the one with the good luck, that's Harry,"

"You know, you're lucky to have the person you love through your youth," he said.

I was a little thrown off. I had no idea where he was going with this.

Snape went on, "that is much more than what I can say for myself,"

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