25| A Compromise

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I knew what I saw.
I just didn't know why.

We were in the potions room and no one else was there. It was dark and the two of us were frantically rushing around for ingredients.

No one spoke, it was only tense silence, leaving me confused.

I kept going over the images in my head as I stomped back to the dorms.

I barked the password to the Fat Lady and slammed the door behind me.

I was tired of people being mad at me.
It hurt more than you think it would.

A wave of fatigue washed over me and my eyes felt so heavy. I had no motivation to get up the stairs and I crashed into the closest piece of furniture; the cushy arm chair.

I slept.

*  *  *

"Oi wake up," someone hissed in my ear.

I scrambled around to see who it was but there was no one there.

I heard a familiar peal of laughter.

"Draco?" I asked.

His face seemed to have popped out of nowhere as he dropped the invisibility cloak down to his shoulders.

"What are you doing here? And how the hell did you get my cloak?" I demanded.

"I'm stealthy," he shrugged.

"Whatever," I turned my back to him.

"I wanted to talk to you, about last night and what happened with us," Draco said.

I stayed quiet.

"Harry I know that you just want to know what's going on," he continued, "but the way you're trying to go about it isn't going to work,"

"So you came here to reprimand me?" I murmured.

"No I came here so we can find a compromise," he said.

"For what?" I frowned.

"For everything! Harry, I agree we have to figure out how and why- we could be in danger for all we know! And we need to be careful," he explained.

I turned back slowly just in time to watch a smile grow on his lips.

"There, now I can see your face," Draco took my chin in his hands.

"What do you suggest we do then?" I sighed in defeat.

He let go of my face after a second and began to pace the length of the Common Room. I could see the gears turning in his head.

"We take what visions we have, we put them together and then try and recreate the moments leading up to the potion making," Draco said.

"You believe me then, that it was us?" I raised my brows.

"There isn't a reason to not believe you," he said.

I felt a weight get taken from my chest. He wasn't mad at me.

"Thank you,"

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