8| To the Library!

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"What?! When-How?!!" Hermione whisper screamed.

It was eleven pm and it was only me, Hermione, and Malfoy down in the Gryffindor common room.

"Hermione it's me, Harry," I said again.

"Okay then if it really is you, what did I do to Neville in first year when he tried to stop us from getting out?" She asked.

"You petrified him," I answered.

Beside me, Malfoy took a step back.

"Scary Gryffindors," he mumbled.

"Oh Harry it is you!" She exclaimed, "how long has this been going on?"

I gulped and exchanged a glance with Malfoy.

"A couple weeks," Malfoy said for me.

"Weeks? So I've been hanging out with Malfoy for weeks?" She wrinkled her nose.

"Yeah," I said.

"That's creepy," she shook her head.

"Tell me about it," Malfoy said.

"We must find out who did this to you two and put a stop to it!" She declared.

"Malfoy and I have been trying to figure it out but haven't had much luck," I explained.

"Malfoy and you? Working together? Like a team?" Hermione lifted a brow.

"I'm as surprised as you are, Granger," Malfoy said.

"Enough of this, lets go to the library," I said.

"It's almost twelve O' clock! We can't do that," Malfoy gasped.

Hermione grinned and headed up the stairs to the boys dormitories. Once she was up and out of sight, I collapsed into the cushiest armchair in front of the fireplace.

"Potter what are you up to?"

"I'm actually sitting,"

"You know that we can't be out in the halls at night!" He whispered.

"Are you sure about that?"

Malfoy had his mouth open in response but Hermione was back.

"Alright everyone, let's go,"

She held something silvery that was balled up in her fist.

"What in Merlins name is that?" Malfoy pointed.

"An invisibility cloak, Malfoy," I stood.

"But those are rare," he breathed.

"Come on then," we beckoned him under the cloak and slipped out the door.

Under the cloak was a bit awkward. Hermione was in the front, leading us, while me and him were stuck behind, crushed up against each other.

I could feel him breathing. Whenever he whispered something, the vibrations of his voice traveled through my body.

Part of me wanted to get as far away as possible but there was another part that was enjoying this. Just a little bit. I didn't know why.

Finally we got to the library. Hermione pushed open the door. First we made sure that the library was clear then we threw the cloak aside. Malfoy was staring at it in awe.

"This is... amazing," he brushed his fingers against it.

"It kind of is isn't it?" I stared at it too.
His narrow fingers traced lines over it and my eyes kept following his fingers.
I winced and shook my head, wondering why I was acting weird.

"Over here guys," Hermione's voice carried into my busy mind.

She had about three books propped open at once and was tapping a paragraph.

"What did you find 'mione?" I asked.

Beside me, Malfoy/me slapped his forehead.
"I should have known!"

"Known what-,"

"The Novisium potion, it's a very complex brew that switches the minds of two people into different bodies," Hermione said.

"Kind of like Polyjuice?" I said.

"Somewhat," Malfoy nodded, "its a wonder how Snape didn't catch whoever did this, literally all of the ingredients are in his special stores,"

"How would you know that?" Hermione narrowed her eyes.

"Are you all forgetting that he's my godfather?" Malfoy sighed.

"What? I didn't know that!" I said.

"Well Harry I guess you aren't as obsessed with him as I thought," Hermione grinned.

"I am not obsessed," I retorted.

"Whatever," she shrugged.

The three of us stared down at the dusty picture of a deep red potion frothing in its cauldron. It looked so very sinister that goosebumps erupted over my arms.

"Well guys," I whispered, "we're going to break into Snape's stores again,"

"Again?" Malfoy frowned.

"It's a long story," Hermione shook her head.

I made up the potion name using a Latin word for reverse so yeah that's not an actual potion if any of you are keeping score out there

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