17| Turkeying Around

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The first match of the quidditch season. Harry could be seen at his table with a broad grin on his face while Ron talked animatedly about winning.

It was Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw. People shuffled by and wished Harry good luck.

And finally, as always, he headed out of the Great Hall and to the lockers to prepare for the game.

I watched myself like an out-of body experience. I was sitting next to Blaise and I was watching Harry walk out. I watched a small smile grow on my face until Blaise tapped me and asked what I was smiling about.

"Uhm I wasn't smiling," I said quickly.

Blaise glared at me and followed my gaze all the way to the back of Harry's retreating robes.

"You like him, don't you," he said.


"Come on you can't fool me," he interrupted.

I watched as my shoulders dropped and I whispered something into his ear, my cheeks flushing a light pink color.
Blaise grinned and clapped me on the back.

The scene dissolved into another. A more quiet one.

I was laying in the hospital wing and my leg was casted while "Skelegro" sat on the bedside table.

It was so still that I thought that maybe somehow the vision was frozen in time. But eventually a shadow covered the walls and then a figure materialized.

It was Harry.

I watched as I opened my eyes only a tiny bit, as to give the illusion that I was still asleep.

Harry sat down carefully on the side of the bed and stared down at me.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered.

I frowned as I watched it play out in front of me.

Harry continued, "I shouldn't have let Ron do that, I'm so sorry,"

My eyes never opened and Harry stayed for a few more minutes until he muttered a final "sorry" and to my surprise, he bent down and kissed my forehead softly.

He left and my eyes opened. My hand reached up to touch the spot where he kissed me.

One last time the scene dissolved, and then it was both Harry and I leaning against the railings in the Astronomy Tower.

"I think we should do this every night," Harry said.

"I think I actually agree with you," I replied.

"I'm glad," Harry turned to me and closed the space between us.

He reached up, twisted my green tie around his hand and then pulled me down to him.

Harry stared into my eyes for a moment and kissed me. My hands traveled over the expanse that was his back. He let out a tiny groan and pulled me even closer.

We had gotten into the rhythm of it when a loud crash sounded from the hallway just off to the left. We sprang apart.

*  *  *

After I kissed Harry he flew backwards as fast as a bat out of hell.

He touched a hand to his mouth and stared at me. I stared back, not wanting to be the first to look away.

"Don't tell me you actually saw that," he said finally.

"Well it was actually more intense than that," I said, my tone braggy.

"How come you're seeing all of that? I haven't seen anything!"

"Oh well I can demonstrate for you if you'd like," I smirked.

"No no that was quite enough Draco," he crossed his arms.

"I don't think it was,"

"I think you need to chill the fuck out," Harry snapped.

If I saw that, he was sure to see it too right? I mean, that's what happened the last few times. Unless that was all in my own head.

I didn't want that. I wanted him to see.

Maybe something happened before all this. Something we couldn't quite put a name to.

"Harry come on you can't be mad at me,"

"I'm not mad," he said.

I laughed, knowing the drill. He was going to turkey around from his point until I shook it from him.

"Well I'm not!" He insisted.

"I don't believe that for a second," I said, "look maybe I could have asked before snogging you but it was so... intense that I wasn't thinking straight,"

"I already said that I'm not mad, I don't know what I am,"

"You're Harry Potter and I just snogged you,"

"Oh my god shut up!"

"Make me bitch,"

"You just want me to kiss you to shut you up! I know this little trope but guess what?! I'm not gonna!" He shouted.

"Then I'll have to kiss you!"

"Don't you dare Draco!"

"Fine," I said.

"What that's it? It's that easy? Just fine?" Harry looked hurt.

"What now?!" I was in disbelief, "you were just flipping out because I wanted to snog you again!"

"You could have at least fought a little more," he mumbled.

"What was that Potter?"

"DAMMIT FINE I'M GONNA KISS YOU AND ITS GONNA BE BETTER THAN WHAT YOU JUST DID!" He yelled and then shoved me against the couch.

I used my outstretched hand to hold him just above my face.

"I dunno Harry... I don't want to force you into anything," I teased.

Harry started to get up but I pulled him back and we kissed some more.

Little kisses, long kisses, kisses that made me think of waking up next to somebody in hazy morning light, kisses that made me think of rumpled sheets under the night sky, all kinds of kisses.

*  *  *

We both agreed to go back to our houses and when I returned to my dorm, Blaise was sitting up in his bed.

"Where were you?" He asked.

"I don't need to tell you," I said, "besides weren't you supposed to be sleeping off a heart attack or something?"

"You know, when I said 'kiss and makeup' I didn't mean it literally," a grin played on his face.

"What? we weren't!" I whisper yelled.

"Oh please, your hair is all messed up and you have that 'post-snog session' look painted all over your precious little face,"

I instinctively reached up and smoothed my hair, cursing myself that I didn't have the sense to freshen up in a bathroom.

"Blaise next time, I'll make sure you get a real heart attack,"

I don't know what the fuck this is but I was having a chaotic episode trying to write it. Hope you had a chaotic episode reading it so we're even :}

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