28| The Final Vision

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I had already braced myself and was thinking through memories of Harry and I before they were gone.

I was thrown backwards, however, by Harry. We collided against the wall and there was more screaming.

I would have been having a sensory overload if I weren't so pumped up on adrenaline.

"Draco! Harry! Are you guys okay??"

It was Hermione standing tall in the entrance. Her wand was still raised in action like she was ready to disarm Snape again. That wasn't needed though, he was out in a slump.

"Hermione?" I widened my eyes at her.

"And Blaise!" Blaise called putting from behind her.

The two stepped in.

"Where's Harry?" Blaise asked.

"What?!" I panicked, looking back and forth frantically.

"He's on the floor," Hermione said.

Harry was also out cold. A trickle of blood slowly dripped down his forehead.

"Oh Merlin!" I gasped.

I crouched down and dabbed the cut with my sleeve.

"What happened here?" Hermione asked.

I explained the situation in poorly condensed words. Most of my focus was on Harry who was still passed out. He must've hit his head when he tackled me.

"How did you find us?" I questioned them.

"You guys never came to potions and neither did Snape," Blaise shrugged.

"But this... is potions?" I narrowed my eyes.

"No Draco, it's the Room of Requirement," Hermione said, "based off of what you just told me, the room must've formed into this... trap so he could get you and you needed to find Snape and that's how you ended up here,"

I smacked myself in the forehead for being so dumb.

"We should get Harry to the hospital wing," I said.

"What are you gonna tell Madam Pomfrey?" Blaise asked.

"Snape attacked us, he's also out cold but here's Harry," I snapped sarcastically.

"Nice!" Blaise grinned.

I slapped Blaise hard on the shoulder and picked Harry up. He was incredibly light.

"Let's go, we'll just say he fell down the stairs or something," I led the way.

Blaise trailed behind us, probably daydreaming about Neville.

"I'm sorry," Hermione whispered awkwardly.

"What for?"

"I wasn't there for him, or you for that matter,"

"It's fine," I waved it off, "are you forgetting that you just saved us?"

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