37| The End, But Not Really

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Mum let out a sob of relief and Harry wrapped his arms tightly around me.

"We did it," I said, feeling as if I were walking on air.

"And due to this verdict, the jury can also come to agree that the acts of Mr. Potter and his friends were ones of self defense," the jury member said.

"What about the trespassing charges!?" Sam screeched.

"Exonerated," the judge hit the gavel again.

Sam let out an indecipherable sound and I saw a grin break out on Harry's face.

"Fuck yea!" Blaise cheered.

"Blaise! This is a court of the law," Hermione reprimanded.

"Let's go everyone," Mum swept us down the aisle, "we need to get your stuff back from the guards,"

Though everyone else looked victorious, I still couldn't feel it. You'd think that I would have felt it.

Nothing had changed, I could still feel the cold eyes of my father staring me down in that cell. Whether it had been a dream or not.

Mum looked as I felt; relieved for the moment, but knowing that it wasn't forever.

* * *

"This is the best freaking fish I've ever feasted upon in the entire world," Blaise said, taking down the profanity for Hermione's sake.

"Why thank you Blaise, but it was actually Draco who cooked it," mum smiled.

Harry's eyes widened.
"You can cook?? And you never told me??"

"Well we never really came to the subject," I replied.

"But you could have at least mentioned it," he pouted.

"You're learning now aren't you?"

Harry grunted and went back to eating.

"Thank you for taking us in for the last day of our break," Hermione said.

"It wasn't much of a break, was it?" Harry murmured.

"It's the least I could do, after all you've significantly helped my Drakie," mum said.

"It was mostly Harry," Blaise raised a brow.


"Yeah they-,"

"Blaise!" I snapped.

"They're together, aren't they?" Mum had a hint of a smile on her face.

"How-how did you- did Blaise tell you-," I spluttered.

"Draco, you've always been horrible at hiding things," She smirked.

"Oh but he thinks he's so cryptic," Harry added.

I shot him a sour look which was met with a shrug.

"I'm fine with it as long as you-,"

"Muuuuuum!" I protested.

"Dessert now, shall we?" She started off running into the kitchen.

* * *

I found that one thing had changed, I felt safe in my own room, in my own bed.

Maybe Harry in it had something to do with that...

He had eaten just about everything given to him and now he was passed out.

I watched his chest rise and fall in the moonlight.

Would I even be here if we hadn't been switched around?

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