24| All on My Mind

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^^ Anderson East reference, anyone?? I love this song ANYWAYS-


Exams were precisely two days away and Harry and I were trying to stuff as much information into our heads as possible in the Room of Requirement.

Sometimes Blaise joined us, and occasionally Neville tagged along but there was absolutely no Hermione.

Blaise was with us on this particular evening, trying to understand some Defense Against the Dark Arts concept. That was Harry's specialty so I left that up to him.

"No, it's not as complicated as you're perceiving it to be," Harry was saying to him.

"That's easy for you to say," Blaise huffed.

I didn't hear the rest of the exchange because there was so much on my mind.

Although I didn't know Hermione too well, it seemed so out of character for her to avoid Harry and the rest of us.

She was almost as upset as Harry was that night of the argument but yet she still hadn't made a move to talk to him.

And believe it or not, Harry tried to talk but she always deflected him.

Harry wasn't showing it but I could tell that it was hurting him.

Christmas break was coming upon us quickly, which meant that I'd be returning to the manor soon. And to my father.

I was sure that somehow all of this was getting back to him. He always knew everything, every last detail in my life. I wasn't sure just what he would do when he found out about Harry and I.

I didn't want to think about it, but you know how that goes; your brain goes 'Hey! Remember this? Let's go over every last detail so you can be unstable for the rest of your life!'

Exams also took a chunk of my headspace as they always did. I needed to get top grades if I wanted to even consider becoming a healer.

And then there was Snape.

I could simply ask him, sure, but imagine the conversation.

'Hey Snape, did you brew a very complex potion just to fuck with me and Harry because we were galavanting around and snogging?'

Fat chance.

Harry was constantly hinting that he wanted to go watch Snape, or search his classroom and it got me thinking.

The Novisium was very complex, however it could be brewed in under 10 minutes, it was one of those rarities.

If a student was skilled enough then they could do it. Or if they were reading from the potions book.

It could have been a student.

That wouldn't fly with Harry though, he had some kind of thing in his head that made him 'know' it was Snape.

I didn't know what to think of Snape. Though he was my godfather, I actually didn't know him all that well.

On the day before I started at Hogwarts, Father took me aside and told me that if I was in any trouble, I could trust my godfather; Severus Snape.

Could I? Could I believe the words of my father?

"Draco..." Blaise said all of a sudden.


"Harry-he's like twitching!" He exclaimed.

I whipped around to see Harry writhing on the chair he usually sat in.

"I think he's having another one of those visions I told you about," I said to Blaise.

"What do we do?" Blaise was in a panic.

"We can't do anything but wait for him to snap out of it,"

I moved over and crouched beside Harry.

Having seen this before, I was relatively calm. Blaise however, looked frantic.

"He was just talking to me and then his eyes rolled back and-,"

"-Blaise, he's gonna be okay," I assured him.

Well... it was assurance for the both of us.

Harry snapped out of it a few minutes later, looking alarmed.

"I saw it Draco! I saw it!" He exclaimed.

"What did you see?" I asked.

"I saw us, brewing that potion!" Harry's eyes were as wide as dinner plates.

"That can't be possible," I said.

"I know what I saw," Harry said firmly.

"Maybe it was just some hallucination," Blaise suggested.

"No!" Harry yelled, "it was us, we were in the potions classroom and we were brewing that damned potion,"

"How do you know that wasn't just some other potion for class?" I asked.

"I recognized the color and the ingredients we were using, Draco, come on!" Harry said.

"Okay but why the fuck would we do that to ourselves?" I glared at him.

"Well that's what we need to find out," Harry said.

"First you wanted to search Snape, you hexed him, and now we have to go around trying to find out why we supposedly body swapped ourselves??" I snapped.

"Who's side are you on?" He stood.

"There are no sides!"

"Whatever Draco, I can do it myself, first Hermione and now you," he shook his head.

"Guys!" Blaise shouted, "stop arguing! It's not like yelling at each other is going to make the big decisions,"

"We aren't arguing, we're having a discussion-,"

"-you're just trying to protect Snape," Harry's accused me.

"You know what Harry?" I said slowly.
"Go back to your dorm and then come talk to me tomorrow because your head isn't in the right place,"

Harry looked taken aback by me disengaging from the situation.
He didn't move.

"Harry I'm serious, go," I repeated.

Harry gave me a parting glare and walked out.

My shoulders dropped, releasing a tension in my shoulders that I wasn't aware of.

"You handled that well and I'm proud of you," Blaise said.

"I told him to leave! How is that handling it 'well'?" I threw my hands up.

"Because now you each have time to think about what he saw," he said.

"What do you think about it?"

"I mean... anything's possible I suppose," he shrugged.

"Blaise, I got mad at him and it's bad enough that Hermione won't talk to him! He's gonna feel alone, what have I done?"

"Just because she's being mean doesn't mean you have to tread so lightly," Blaise reasoned.

"I just feel bad," I sighed.

Blaise looked back at me and grinned widely.

"What?" I squinted at him.

"You really are changing," he smiled.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You just expressed empathy, I'm proud,"

"Stop patronizing me Blaise," I wasn't in the mood for banter of any kind.

"He's changing you," he went on, "and it's a good thing,"

Another ~c o n s p i r a c y~


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