29| Contraband and A Plan

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Hermione had practically dragged me down the hill and into the shrieking shack where Draco and Blaise sat waiting for us.

"This is going to be our new hideout of sorts," she explained along the way.

I nodded, trying to keep up.

She pushed open the door and I saw Draco and Blaise sitting in chairs around the piano.

"Harry," Draco smiled.

Hermione grabbed a chair and placed it across from Blaise. I looked around for another but there was none.

"Here," Draco scooted over and patted the space.

With a hot face, I sat down.
Our legs touched and even though our togetherness was far from new, I still felt that little zing.

"Hermione's come up with a plan," Blaise told me, "but it's to Draco's dismay,"

"Well what is it then?" I leaned forward eagerly.

They collectively took turns (bar Draco) telling me how we were going to sneak into the Manor during Christmas break.

Draco would arrange a "talk" with his father and while they were doing that, we'd wait outside and Draco would mention the things that Snape did.

We were betting on the fact that Lucius would threaten him with something and then we'd barge in.

"Okay then what?" I asked.

"I uh..." Hermione smiled sheepishly.

"See! This is why it'll never work! You only planned to the confrontation, the action, there's no strategy to it," Draco breathed heavily.

"Do you have another idea?" Blaise turned to him.

"I will if you two would just give me some time to think!" Draco rubbed his temples.

"We have to get ahead of him," Blaise said.

"Blaise I think you're turning into a Gryffindork," Draco muttered.

I nudged him in the side.
"And is there anything wrong with that?"

"You're my only exception," he replied.

"Aw true love," Hermione smirked.

"But seriously guys what will we do to stop Lucius? It's not like we can hex him-," I said.

"-that didn't stop you from getting Snape," Hermione deadpanned.

I pretended not to hear that.

"Draco's right, we need to find a good way to stop him," I said.

The room went quiet as we all sifted through our minds to come up with an idea.

"Let's send him to Azkaban," Draco said finally.

"But Draco... this is your dad we're talking about do you really want-,"

"-he's hurt me for far too long," Draco shook his head.

"On what charges?" Hermione asked.

"He has loads of dark stuff in the Manor, stuff he thinks I don't know about, he's... well he's abusive to my mum, there's plenty of things to go off of,"

I took his arm and smoothed circles into his skin.

He glanced at me and smiled absently.

"Are you completely sure that you want to do this to him?"

"Yes," Draco sighed, "I may call him 'father' but he'll never be that to me,"

*  *  *

The plan was set.

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