18| Denial & Disbelief

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"Hey watch it!"


"What the fuck Harry!"

I ignored their cries of distress as I sprinted through the corridors, not even caring that I was shoving people.

I needed to find Malfoy.

"Mr. Potter!" Professor McGonagall cried out when I sailed past her.

I didn't hear the rest of her calls because I rounded another corner, my robes swishing behind me.

Platinum blonde hair and a tall thin figure, right at the end of the hall.

I found him.

Draco turned around just as I skidded to a stop in front of him.

"Harry?" He crinkled his brow.

"I saw-,"
I had to clutch my stomach, I was so out of breath.

Right after I saw it I sprung up from my bed and began the run to find Draco.

"What is it?" His hand was now on my back.

"Snape he-," I gasped, "he found us in the astronomy tower and he caused that crashing sound and-,"

"Harry breathe, just take a deep breath," he said soothingly.

"Snape found us in that vision and then he took us to his office," I said.

Draco's eyes got wide and he pulled on my sleeve.

"Let's go somewhere without all the ears,"

I nodded and followed him out to the courtyard. It was getting colder and no person was out there besides us.

"Okay now tell me what happened, don't leave one detail out," he said.

"So I had the vision of us in the astronomy tower, just like the one you had, but mine was different. The sound at the end wasn't the end, it was a curse from Snape, he knocked you out and dragged us to his office,"

"He what?!"

"You heard me!" I exclaimed.

"Okay so what do we do?" Draco starting pacing.

"I don't know!" I shrieked.

"Harry calm down," he murmured.

"He did something to us Draco! Don't you see?" I said.

"Or maybe because we were out snogging and that's against the rules,"

"Or maybe it's because he wants to uphold The Malfoy Name and you kissing Harry Potter couldn't be much help to that,"

Draco flushed a weak red color.

"He wouldn't..." his voice faltered.

"I bet you he would," I pointed at him.

"Harry we can't do anything about it," he said.

"What do you mean we can't?"

"If you're right, and that's why Snape did it then it's too dangerous,"

"Ugh what happened to 'let's catch the person who did this and make them pay'? We can't back out now,"

"We can and we will because if he catches us doing something again he could do something worse than switch us around for whatever sick reason," Draco shook his head.

"Whatever Draco," I snapped and stormed off, shoving more people out of the way and once again, ignoring their screams.

Hermione saw me and ran up to me.

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