30| Always Home

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Sometimes I wondered if my luck would run out one day, but today wasn't the day because I woke up and Harry Potter was in my bed.

His dark hair was fanned over to one side of his head, revealing a little peak of his scar.

It was so easy to just stare at him.

His face was so... perfect. He was just so perfect.

I had never said anything as true as what I said last night.

I love you, I told him.

He said it back to me.

We said it to each other as if rehearsing a song.

"You like what you see?" Harry asked.

His morning voice was so deep and scratchy I almost died.

"Yeah," I murmured.

"Jolly good, carry on," Harry closed his eyes again.

I snickered and laid back.

"Shit," he said, shoving covers off of himself.

"What?" I asked.

"We leave for Christmas like today! I haven't packed anything!" He exclaimed.

"Well you're all going to the Manor right?"

"Yes but I wanna pack," Harry said.

"We're probably going to be there for a day,"

"Packing relaxes me, okay?" He said defensively.

I raised a brow at him.

"Are you anxious?"

"Well... yeah," Harry admitted.

"Aww," I squished his cheek.
He batted at my hand.

"Stop it," he grumbled.

"I suppose I should let you go pack then,"

Harry rolled his eyes as he sighed pulled his shirt on.

He reached to pull the curtain back when I realized... woah, I had roommates.

"Harry!" I hissed, "let me see if Blaise or the others are here first,"

I poked my head out of the curtains and saw that Blaise's curtains were drawn as well.

Not wanting to know what that was about, I gave Harry the go ahead and watched him disappear under the invisibility cloak.

I had already sent the owl to my father to "talk" to him. This plan was the only thing I had and if it worked, mum and I would be free from his clutches for a while.

Contraband wasn't exactly the most heinous crime but it was something. Maybe the Aurors would find something else, something worse.

I usually loved this day, the day that everyone left was an easy day. There were no classes, no homework, no expectations.

However this year was obviously different.

I was so nervous and there were no classes to take my mind off it all.

I'd be facing my father again today.

I undid the shielding charm and plopped down on the edge of the bed.

Blaise peeked his head out from his curtains.

"You okay Dray?" He asked.

"Never better,"

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