23| Talk it Out

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I knew she was mad at me, and I knew that people said things they didn't mean but what if this was different?

It could have come from that place where we think things that we wish weren't true. That thought could have just veered it's head and found the perfect moment to pour itself out.

Either way, I cried into my pillow, using it to smother all the sounds of my distress. The last thing I needed was Ron or Seamus hearing me and then causing more chaos.

All I wanted to do was find out why Snape would do this. I knew he hated me but wasn't this all a little extreme?

Maybe Hermione was right, if I went and did something then someone else would end up getting hurt.

When I was younger, when there were no problems, I would have been so excited for Christmas break. I tried to get excited for it this year but to no avail. I was already freaked out by the exams.
Hermione had wanted to study but that didn't turn out so well.

She should have never said that.

That same thought had haunted me for so long and now it was like it was hanging above me, waiting to drop and smother me under its weight.

I was mad at her for that, but I was also scared. If she thought that then she probably knew I wasn't much of a good person and then our friendship would be over.

Just what I needed.

I rolled over in bed and shut my eyes, willing the night to wash away the pain.

*  *  *

"Harry are you okay?" Someone was standing over my bed.

"Wha-?" I reached around for my glasses.

It was Neville.

"You were..." he looked awkward.

"What is it Neville?" I snapped.

"You were crying in your sleep," he said.

"What? No I wasn't!" I stared at him.

"Yeah, you were," he insisted.

I looked around the dorm to see if anyone else was in here.

"It's just you and me, it's fine," Neville said.

"Okay," I nodded.

"So do you want to talk about why you're crying?"

"I wasn't crying,"

"Okay Harry, well if you want to talk I'm here," and then he gave me a little wave and walked out to breakfast.

Or to meet Blaise.

Same thing.

I stared at the top of the four-poster, drawing together enough willpower to get up and going.

Eventually it did come to me and I dragged my shirt and pants into the bathroom behind me.

My reflection made me do a double take.

Neville was right, my eyes were red and puffy. I looked absolutely awful. I couldn't show my face down there.

My stomach growled, obviously disagreeing with that.

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