16| Breakdown, of a Nervous Kind

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^^anyone get my K. Flay reference?? Ehahshhehe


"Shhh he's coming!" Draco  hissed into my ear.

"I am quiet!" I hissed back.

We were lurking behind a corner, waiting for Blaise to round it.

For days we had been tracking him, watching his every move, his habits, and anything that could incriminate him.

We found that every other day he'd sneak off into an empty classroom down near the dungeons at around 10:30 pm. After seeing enough of this it was time to snatch him and interrogate him.

Draco and I were squashed under the invisibility cloak and poised to pull him into the nearby bathroom for interrogation.

It was Draco's idea, he was scary aggressive sometimes.

Footsteps sounded throughout the corridor and Draco pinched me, I lightly punched his leg in response.

From the corner we saw Blaise. Together we grabbed either arm and dragged him into a bathroom, Draco muttering a silencing charm.

Blaise's screams went unheard from everyone and everything. Even himself. It was kind of creepy looking. He whipped his head around quickly, trying to see what was holding him hostage.

He didn't dare move, in fear that whatever had him would strike.
I looked to Draco to see what he'd do. He was in charge of what to ask.

"Blaise Zabini," he murmured in an odd voice.

Blaise mouthed the word 'yes' with wide eyes.

"Did you have anything to do with the making of the Novisium Potion?"

Again, Blaise was mouthing something.

"Either nod yes or no you fool!" Draco raised his voice a little.

Blaise shook his head.

"You lie!"

More fast mouthing.

"Maybe he's telling the truth," I said but Draco didn't seem to hear.

"You'll forever regret lying on this night Zabini," he was saying, "you have done something so unforgivable-,"

"Stop it!" I shoved him.

Blaise was curled up on the floor and was shaking like mad. It was like he was having some sort of breakdown.

"What?" Draco said angrily.

"Look at him!"

As if he snapped out of a trance, Draco gasped and ran out from under the cloak before I could stop him.

Blaise let out another silent scream at the sight of Draco. I could only stand beneath the cloak and watch.

"Blaise, Blaise it's okay, I'm sorry-," he paused for the counter charm.

"Malfoy what th- what the hell!" He shouted.

"I needed to know if you did something-,"

"You could have asked me you bloody idiot!" Blaise interjected.

"I know but-,"

"You knew that I have panic attacks and yet you thought that this was a good idea?"


"Who else do you have with you? Is it Crabbe? Goyle?"

Draco shook his head.

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