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Aye hello my name is Ebony and I'm here with a fic, this was uploaded onto ff.net first but I revived my wattpad account just for this lmao

Just a quick headsup before this starts:

. This fic is not one of those generic "Huey and Riley x Female versions of themselves fics, the pairings I make can and will split up so dont get to attached to em ;)

. I dont update v quickly, im a student after all, so I got school to worry about, plus I have a life outside of fanfic writing, but I'll try

. The first four chapters may be rather janky, there'll be a lot of spelling and grammer mistakes, this is bc I used to write fics on my phone, but have since moved on to typing them up on pc. Im also rlly bad at proof reading, but I promise the fic becomes more readable chapter five and onwards.

. There are many elements in this fic that wont be introduced for a while (for example, this fic is tagged bxb and gxg, but u wont see that for a long while, its coming, I have plans, but it'll take a while to establish lol)

. When it comes to faceclaims, I rarely if ever do ones for the canon characters (Huey, Riley Jazmine etc) that's because since they're official and made by someone else, I kind of want y'all to come up with what you think the might look like? However, the OCs are mine at the end of the day, so I chose fc's for them!

. I only added important/main faceclaims to this book! If you wanna know how the other characters who aren't listed in it look, check out my book "The Faceclaims" to see!

. For a better experience with this fic format wise, I suggest reading the fic using the Sans Serif, it workd better with the fonts I use with the fic and just looks nicer imo ^^

That's all I rlly gotta say, I hope u do enjoy reading perspective, bye!

- Ebony

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