Chapter 71 Closing the net

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Torcan had ridden without much pause, only halting enough for his horse to catch its breath and drink water. He was weary and cautious when encountering travelers. Even though he travelled in disguise, clothed in simple garb, he was still wearing the symbol of Tirèze. He was still a representative of his king and it would do him no good if a patrol would mistake him for a spy.

Not long ago he had crossed over into Valais' territory, the home of Iolaus' family. How fortunate, Torcan thought, that he didn't have to travel through hostile territory. At least in the Vale he was fairly safe. And it was the shortest route to Auros. The lord of Valais was about the only lord that could be trusted. Still, he didn't stop to greet Iolaus' family. He was on urgent business and the sooner he reached the capitol the better.

Many towns he passed were abandoned. Were these the homes of the men that had lost their lives at the fortification? Though a lot of the people that formerly lived near Boncini had moved here, it was a far cry from how things used to be.

Torcan hated the thought that his father had responsibility in causing all this suffering.

The closer he came to Auros, the more populated the area became. People felt more secure here, close to the Capitol, and were busy with their daily lives.

Torcan had always wondered how it was possible for people living in the same country to experience war so differently.

He shivered in his cloak. He had almost forgotten how much colder it was here in Zeir. He longed for a fire and rest.

About an hour from the city, a patrol rode up to him. Torcan halted his horse and waited patiently for them to reach him. The leader of the squadron rode his horse close to Torcan's. "State your business, Tirèze rider."

"I am representing king Darius Tirzé," Torcan said calmly, "I have a message for king Marcos."

"What message?" the man demanded.

Torcan's expression remained neutral. "One I need to deliver in person."

"Captain," one of the soldiers spoke, "I know this man. He is king Darius' righthand man. If he claims to have a message, we should escort him to Auros."

The captain of the squad frowned in thought, but then nodded. "Very well. Claudius, Quillen, you two escort him to Auros. Then report back."

"Yes sir," the two soldiers chimed and they flanked Torcan.

Torcan inclined his head. This patrol was part of the royal guard. They would make sure he reached his destination. "Thank you," he said, "I must make haste." Every minute he was away from home was one more minute their enemies could conspire against them.

The two soldiers nodded at him and they set off.


Elora looked at her husband with worry. Since Torcan had left for Auros, Darius had taken up residence in her quarters while waiting for news and continuing his investigation. She could tell he was restless.

Elora walked up to him and stood next to him at the window. "He will not have arrived yet," she told him gently, "there will not be news for days."

Darius sighed. "I know," he nodded, "it's the sitting idle that makes me restless. I have half a mind of riding up to Salvire and drag Izem through the streets to get answers."

Elora smiled kindly. She understood his frustration. Her father had to make difficult decisions too sometimes when there was a dispute between the villagers or farmers. It was hard to take any action without having proof for the accusation. "Do you want me to reach out to my father?" she asked, "Lavos has a stronghold near the border as well. Perhaps they can provide more information."

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