Chapter 21 Everybody cries at weddings

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Vara did her best to keep all emotion off her face during the ceremony. She watched as Cyrus and Ariane's hands were tied together and the slip of Cyrus' cloak was spread over it. She clapped when everyone else was clapping and she raised her goblet in a toast to salute the new couple.
Still, she couldn't help the small sigh that escaped her once the ceremony was over. With the actual ceremony behind them, the guests would be too occupied with the food and music to pay her any attention. She wouldn't have to be so careful now.

Cyrus and Ariane were seated at the king's right hand with both Iolaus and Torcan standing in attendance behind them. Vara herself sat on the king's other side. She would have liked to have Ophelia near, but her friend was seated with her family at one of the lower tables.

She couldn't wait for the final course to be over with.

Next to her, lady Euridice patted her hand in a comforting manner. "Your time will come, child," she said quietly, "and you will forget all of the pain you are feeling now. I promise you."

Vara offered a watery smile. "Thank you." Though right now, she didn't think she would ever be happy. She looked across the table where Ariane was nervously picking at her food and Cyrus smile seemed so forced that Vara was afraid he would be unable to move his mouth into another position ever again. His fingers gripped the goblet so tightly that it might break any moment.

Vara was relieved when the king finally clapped his hands and the music picked up. Cyrus guided his bride down to the space that had been cleared for dancing. Guests clapped as Cyrus and Ariane passed by. Soon enough, others joined them in the dance. The official part was over. From now in it would only be a three day celebration.

Vara looked up when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Torcan's eyes were kind as he looked at her. "Are you alright, my lady?" he asked, "you look like you may cry."

Vara forced a smile. "Everybody cries at weddings," she said simply.

"That may be true," Torcan nodded, "but mostly they are tears of joy. That does not seem to be the case here."

Vara took a deep breath and noticed everyone else at the table had left. Even the king was dancing with his mother. She couldn't see Cyrus' grandfather, but she assumed he had retreated. He didn't appear in pubic often anymore.

She looked at Torcan again. "Would you not rather join in the activities and ask someone to dance?"

He smiled at her. "I wouldn't feel right leaving a lady to sit here all by herself."

"You are an honorable man," Vara said, "but I am hardly a lady."

"And I am hardly a man," Torcan spoke quietly. Something bitter had crept into his voice, but he took a deep breath. "That doesn't mean we should hide in a corner." He held out his hand to her. "Would you do me the honor?"

Vara sighed and placed her hand in his, allowing him to guide her towards the dance floor. People bowed and curtsied as she walked by, but she paid them no attention. Torcan was a good dancer, she had noticed this before and she was glad for the distraction. She had grown fond of him in the time he had been here. She would miss him when he would return to Tireze.

"You seem far away," Torcan commented quietly. He felt sorry for her. From what he had gathered these past few weeks, Darius had been right. There was something going on between Vara and Cyrus. But Darius had been wrong to blame it all on Vara. He found her a very strong person that placed the interest of others before her own.

Vara smiled faintly. "I was just thinking how well you would do here at court. Are you sure you don't want to stay here?"

Torcan smiled. "I have my duties, lady Vara. I have to return to prince Darius."

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