Chapter 77 What comes around

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Darius took a deep breath as he looked around the camp that was being erected. They had ridden fast and hard the past few days, but it had still taken longer than he would have wished for.

Once they had crossed into the mountains, it hadn't taken them long to come across the border patrol he had stationed there. A lot of the men there were Izem's men, and it had taken great effort to make sure no message would be send out to their lord. The last thing Darius needed was Izem finding out about his intentions.

Still, there was hardly time to have all of Izem's men interrogated to see if they knew about the treason. For now, he had to trust his own men that were also stationed there to keep control of things while he and the rest of the army marched on towards the meeting point.

Now the waiting had begun. If all went well, king Marcos' troops would join him here in the next few days, and hopefully king Elon's as well.

"We need to put a stop to this, once and for all," he muttered under his breath.

"My king," one of the soldiers dropped down in front of him on one knee. When Darius waved him up, the man continued, "a message just arrived for you from king Elon of Lavos, Your Majesty." He handed Darius a small scroll.

Quickly, Darius opened it and read. King Elon's troops were on their way and would most likely arrive the following morning.

Darius sighed in relief. "Keep an eye out for king Elon's banner," he instructed the man, "notify me at once when he is withing sight."

The soldier bowed and retreated.

Now Darius needed to focus on how to deal with Salvire. If he waited too long, Izem might get wind of his presence and flee.

Darius frowned in thought. There were about two-hundred men-at-arms at Salvire. He had to assume they were all on Izem's side, but he couldn't spare that many soldiers from the border.
He motioned for one of his captains. "Take fifty men and ride toward Salvire. Izem di Salve is to remain under house arrest on suspicion of treason. He needs to be closely watched. The men under his command will be pardoned if they surrender without a fight and pledge their loyalty to me. We will need them here at the border. Anyone that resists will be taken captive and face my judgment." He looked at the man sternly. "Mikos di Salve is not to be harmed. Put him in charge of Salvire. Once this battle is over, I will speak with him myself."

"Yes, my king," his commander spoke. He made a deep bow and went on to perform his task.

Darius sighed. It would have to do. Once the troops of king Marcos and king Elon arrived they could make further plans.


"Urgent message, my lord," one of the scouts had approached Iason, who had been resting in one of the tents. Next to the scout stood a messenger wearing royal colors.

Iason quickly rose when he noticed the rider and accepted the message.

King Darius was gathering an army North of Salvire. Prince Cyrus would join him there with troops from Zeir. They would be passing through Boncini. Iason was to remain stationed at the fortification and await further instructions. Balor was on the march, and the plan was to enclose them from all sides.

Iason let out a heavy sigh. The king would stay in Auros and further interrogate the prisoners Iason had sent. He would send a missive to Stregare and ask them for more men. A portion of those men would be stationed with Iason. The rest would join Cyrus in Tirèze.

This was it then. The confrontation that had been long pending.

"What of Vertalis?" he asked the messenger.

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