Chapter 20 Ophelia

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The soft knock against the door was what woke her. With a sigh, and eyes heavy with sleep, Vara worked herself up in a sitting position. Her eyes searched for Eudemas, but the girl was not there. Perhaps she had gone to retrieve breakfast. Was it morning already?

Slowly Vara moved to the door to answer it herself and stared into a pair of smiling grey eyes. Light brown curls framed a heart shaped face.

Despite the early hour, the girl was cheerful and energetic. "Vara!" she smiled happily and threw her arms around Vara, "how good to see you!" She pushed into the room.

"Ophelia," Vara breathed and she returned the embrace, "when did you arrive?"

"Two days ago," Ophelia answered. She held Vara at arms' length. "Iolaus told me I should come see you. How are you, Vee? I know this wedding must upset you."

Vara sighed. "I know this wedding is good for the kingdom. I have accepted that. I just don't know how to get through the day smiling. I am expected to help Ariane get ready. I have to stand next to Cyrus the entire ceremony and smile at all the guests." She ran a hand through her hair. "He came to see me last night."

Ophelia looked at her startled. "Cyrus came here?"

"I do not know what to do," Vara said, "I am trying to keep a distance, but... I love him, Ophi."

"I know," Ophelia said quietly. She offered Vara a sympathizing smile, "I will ask my father if I can remain at court for some time after the wedding. He will not have objections with my brothers here to watch me. It will help you get your mind of things. We have so much catching up to do."

Vara smiled weakly. She appreciated her friend's gesture. And it truly had been a while since they had seen each other. "What about Iolaus?" she asked, "would you not rather spend time with him?"

Ophelia smiled. "He will be busy with his duties during the wedding and after that he will travel to Tireze with Cyrus. I will see him when he returns. He is worried for you, Vee."

"I know," Vara answered. She smiled bravely. "I should get dressed and see to Ariane."

"I will help you," Ophelia walked towards the wardrobe to bring Vara's gown while Vara seated herself in front of the mirror to brush her hair.

Behind her, Eudemas entered the room, carrying a tray with enough food for two. She placed the tray on the table near the widow. "I took the liberty of bringing in breakfast for lady Ophelia too," she said with a faint smile.

"Thank you, Eudemas," Ophelia smiled, "what would Vara do without you?"

"One can only wonder," Eudemas answered mischievously. She had known Ophelia for as long as Vara had and even if Ophelia was still her superior, she didn't stand on conventions and treated Eudemas as an equal, much like Vara did.

"Come, Vara, let's eat," Ophelia decided, "it will be a long day. Then we will get you ready and go to see lady Ariane. I have yet to meet her."

Vara sighed and seated herself at the table. It would be a long day indeed. The sun had only just risen. The festivities would last for three days. She was glad Ophelia was here. She needed her friend to distract her from her slowly breaking heart.


Iolaus sighed when he plucked the goblet from Cyrus' hand. "You shouldn't drink so much before the ceremony," he warned. It was moments like these that he regretted his position as Cyrus' personal guard. The prince was his best friend, but he was incredible pig-headed and when he was drunk he was unpredictable.

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