Chapter 39 Dark shadows

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She was woken up that morning by voices and footsteps outside her door. A loud knock followed not long after. Her maid Eudemas rushed out of the adjoining room, tying the strings of her morning robe hurriedly while glancing at Vara with concern.

Vara sat up in a similar confusion. Quickly throwing on a robe, she nodded for Eudemas to open the door. What she saw on the other side made her blood run cold.

Four soldiers were each holding a corner of a large cloak, and on that cloak was Iason.

Or... what looked like Iason.

His face was covered in bruises and dried up blood, and Vara had no doubt those bruises extended to the rest of his body.

Behind her, Eudemas gasped and covered her mouth.

"He is alive, Vee," Iolaus appeared in her vision and placed a hand on her shoulder, "he's just unconscious. Whoever did this to him got him good. He was left for dead in an alley. I don't know how long he's been there before we found him."

"Quick," Vara broke free for her shock, "My bed is still warm. Eudemas, warm water and clean linnens. And those herbal oils."

Eudemas nodded and hurried to retrieve the items.

"I have already sent for a physician," Iolaus said, "I will wait for him and direct him here." Vara barely noticed his retreat. She was directing the soldiers to carry Iason towards her bed and bring up food and water.

"But, my lady," one of the soldiers scratched his neck awkwardly, "we can't just leave him here with you. It's not right for a lady to be alone..."

Vara held up a hand to stop him. "He is my guard," she pointed out, "I have been alone with him on numerous occasion. It will be fine. Leave him here. I'll take care of him. Go eat. You must be weary of searching all night. I can manage here."

When the soldiers still hesitated, Vara narrowed her eyes. "Now," she said.

They quickly bowed and retreated.

Vara turned to Iason and bit her lip. Carefully she leaned over him. At least he was still breathing.

When Eudemas returned, Vara waved her over. "Help me."

Eudemas placed the bowl with water and the linnens on a nearby table and walked over to the bed. Together they removed the cloak from underneath Iason and only now did Vara recognize it as belonging to Iolaus.

"Help me remove this," Vara said while opening the clasp of Iason's tunic.

Eudemas bit her lip. "Shouldn't we wait for the physician? The soldiers were right, my lady. This isn't something you should be doing. There is a half-naked man in your bed!"

"There is a half-naked wounded man in my bed," Vara replied pointedly, "if you don't wish to help me, then I'll do it myself."

Eudemas looked hurt. "Of course I'll help. I just don't want people to have more reason to talk behind your back. If only you knew what they were saying..."

"I can imagine," Vara said, "and it doesn't matter. What matters now is Iason." She had managed to undo his tunic and paled at the sight of the bruises that marred his ribs. "Who would do this?"

Eudemas dipped the linnen in the water and carefully began cleaning away the dried blood. "Robbers most likely," she said, "he is lucky they left him alive."

Vara narrowed her eyes. "They'll pay for this. The king will hear of it." She took a strip of linnen herself and cleaned Iason's face.

"The physician is here, my lady," Eudemas said.

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