Chapter 24 Sons and daughters

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"When are they arriving again?" the old king turned towards his son who stood at the window. The hot morning breeze toyed with the prince's hair and the sun gave his face a copper glow. Eyes cold as stone and a straight posture, he was every bit a prince. A suitable heir to the throne.

Darius dropped the curtain. "Tomorrow, father. I told you this."

King Xerex wetted his lips and continued as if he had not noticed his son's annoyance. "What is your opinion on the man, this... prince Cyrus?"

Darius turned and paced the room. In his bed, his father was watching him patiently.

"I had Torcan test his swordsmanship. He is a good fighter, a capable man."

"Yet you do not seem pleased," king Xerex noted.

Darius gritted his teeth. "The man hungers after another woman."

King Xerex shrugged. "He is a man. It is only natural he has an interest in women."

"He is making a mockery of us!" Darius yelled, "he married a princess of Tireze! He shouldn't be bedding other women!"

An amused smile appeared on king Xerex' lips. "How is bedding other women mocking us? Prince Cyrus and Ariane are wed. The marriage was consumed. It is official. I know the laws of Zeir well, Darius. Even if prince Cyrus beds other women and a child is born, it would not matter. In Zeir, children born out of wedlock cannot inherit. And if Ariane can't conceive, any child born to Cyrus by another woman will become Ariane's." He looked at his son. "I wed her off to form an alliance, Darius. We need the support of Zeir. Balor is already eyeing our borders and perhaps now that we have allied with Zeir, we can get the support of Lavos. After prince Cyrus has returned home, we will send emissaries to Tolais."

"And how will that go over with king Marcos?" Darius asked.

"An alliance with Lavos will not interfere with our agreement with Zeir. The two have no conflict. It might even benefit them."

Darius did not look convinced. "And what will you offer them you haven't already offered king Marcos? You have no more children to wed off, father."

King Xerex smiled amused. "There is always something, son. Perhaps a new wife for you, one that will actually bear you sons." He waved his hand dismissively. "You need an heir, Darius. I want to see grandsons before my time." The king's expression turned serious. "Why are you waiting so long? If that wife of yours can't give you children, find yourself another. Keep the one you have as a concubine if you must, but take a wife that gives you heirs. You need to secure your line, Darius, or we will lose everything we have worked for."

Darius' eyes steeled over. They'd had this conversation before. And he did want heirs. But finding a suitable wife was hard. He didn't have time to busy himself with that. Dealing with one wife was hard enough. His father had many concubines. He didn't even know which one was his mother, or Ariane's for that matter. In Tireze it did not matter who was the mother. It only mattered who was the father.

"I am serious, Darius," king Xerex spoke, "I want a grandson within the year. Find yourself a concubine. Or two."

Darius gritted his teeth. "Yes, father." It was embarrassing enough that there was no child yet. He didn't need his own father to point it out. And Zara had been his father's choice. A princess of one of the nomad tribes. She was a bitter woman, full of spite. She complained about her fate, but at the same time reveled in the status of being married to the heir of Tireze. Dealing with her was a trial. He sighed. "If you excuse me, I have arrangements to make before our guests arrive."

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