Chapter 42 Family

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Torcan felt eyes in his back as he was readying his horse for the hunt. He would ride out with Darius and a selected company today, only this time it would be in his role as guard.

The crowning ceremony had gone by without incident and most lords had already returned home.

Torcan was glad for it. Having so many high lords present at such a turbulent time was not a favorable situation, especially if it involved the nomad tribes. He had been worried there would be an uproar. Zara's father was still a leader of those tribes and no matter what Darius said, an insulted man was unpredictable.

Nonetheless, there had not been any disturbances and the nomad tribes had pledged their loyalty. Torcan just hoped they would keep true to their word.

Prince Cyrus had arrived with Ariane the day before the ceremony and he would be riding out with them today while Ariane stayed in the women's wing with Elora. The thought made him smile. Elora had taken Ariane under her wing the moment she had arrived. It was good to see them getting along.

The burning in his back grew more intense and Torcan shifted nervously but did not look up until a throat was being cleared.

Mikos stood there with his horse on the reign. "I think something is wrong with my saddle. Check it, will you?" He looked away awkwardly.

Torcan nodded in compliance. "Of course, my lord." He reached for the saddle and carefully studied each strap, but found nothing out of the ordinary.

"It is strange to be called that by my own brother," Mikos spoke quietly. He seemed to be uncomfortable in Torcan's presence.

Torcan did not reply. His hands stilled on the saddle, but he kept his eyes on the leather, waiting. He had a feeling Mikos knew very well there was nothing wrong with his gear.

"It must be strange to you too," Mikos continued with averted eyes, "to hear me being named heir when you are the oldest." When Torcan still didn't reply, he sighed. "Say something."

"Your saddle seems fine, my lord," Torcan said.

Mikos narrowed his eyes in frustration. "Don't do that."

Torcan sighed too. "What would you like me to say, my lord?"

"Something other than 'my lord'," Mikos said annoyed. He sighed again. "I did not ask for this. It is not my fault."

"I know," Torcan said quietly.

Mikos looked at him now. "My entire life I knew I had a brother, but no one ever spoke of him to me. And when I asked, my... our father told me to be quiet." There was a frustrated expression on his face. "I've always wanted a brother."

"Lord Izem only has one son," Torcan stated calmly.

The boy looked serious. He suddenly seemed much older than fifteen. "That may be so," he said, "but I am not an only child."

"Mikos," lord Izem called while pulling up his horse next to his son, "in the saddle boy. We are headed out."

Mikos gave a nod and allowed Torcan to hold his horse while he mounted the animal. "We will talk later," he muttered at Torcan.

Torcan inclined his head and mounted his own horse. As soon as he had joined Darius the group headed out.


"Prince Cyrus seems like a good man," Elora smiled at Ariane, "have you adjusted well in Zeir? I can imagine it to have been difficult. Tirèze is so different from Lavos. And I miss my sisters."

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