Chapter 28 Husbands and wives

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Cyrus studied the horse in front of him carefully. He felt the animal's legs and checked its teeth, but couldn't find any flaws. Tirèze truly did breed magnificent horses. His father would be pleased.

He nodded at the stable master and the horse was led away. When he'd return home, he would take it with him. "You have an impressive stable, prince Darius," he said to his brother in law, "Zeir thanks you for sending some of them to us to breed with ours."

Darius nodded at him. Horses had been part of the treaty.

A few weeks had passed since Cyrus had arrived. Weeks filled with council meetings, festivities, hunts, and trade agreements. Darius had had his share of it. He was ready for the Zeir delegates to go home. He was tired of polite conversations and politics. And he was sure Cyrus was too. But there was still much more on the agenda. It would be a while longer before he was rid of his brother in law.

On top of that, his wife Zara was causing him grief again. She refused to join him and kept him out of her rooms with excuses. But as long as the delegation from Zeir was still here, he couldn't undertake any action. And he was sure his wife was well aware of that fact. Darius knew he could force himself on her but he was certain she would find a way to make him regret it. He wasn't blind to her manipulations, He would have to keep a closer eye on her, make sure she couldn't get any message in or out, and confine her to her quarters.

Then, once their guests had left, he would obey his father's wishes and find a new wife. Perhaps one of the daughters of Lavos.

"Your manservant is not here today," Cyrus observed.

"Torcan has errands to run," Darius answered. He looked at Cyrus thoughtfully. "Why the interest in my servant?"

Cyrus shrugged. "He has been with us in Zeir for so long, on your behalf, and Vara seems fond of him. I was only curious. Is he not also your guard?"

"Here at the palace no one would dare harm me," Darius said arrogantly, "and I have many guards here. Torcan only fulfills that duty when I ride out, or when I wish it." A wry smile was on his lips. "I do not know how far this... fondness goes between your sister and my manservant, but if you are inquiring after a marital union, then I am afraid I must advise against it. Torcan is not a suitable candidate... for any marriage." As much as he disliked Vara, he wouldn't wish that on her. Besides, neither his father, nor king Marcos would be amused.

Glad they agreed on something, Cyrus scoffed. "Vara is not marrying a servant, whether he is related to nobility or not. I just want to make sure your guard is not overstepping his boundaries."

"You need not worry in that regard," Darius answered dryly.

"I am merely looking out for her," Cyrus said coldly.

"Of course," Darius answered with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, "a brother's first duty is to protect his sister." His eyes held a warning. "As I do with mine."

Cyrus narrowed his eyes. "Are you implying my wife is not safe with me?"

"Is she?" Darius cast back.

A throat was being cleared. "My prince." Torcan had appeared and bowed deeply. "Your father the king is requesting your presence." He looked at Cyrus and bowed again. "And yours too, prince Cyrus."

The two princes glared at each other.

"Well," Iolaus interceded, "let's not keep him waiting." He stepped forward and gave Cyrus a pointed look. If they kept on this discussion, it would no doubt end in a conflict again. Why did these two men have to be so hotheaded?

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