Chapter 18 next best thing

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It was still early when Vara walked down the halls of the palace. She hadn't been in this part for a while and she was reluctant to be here now, but she needed to speak to Cyrus before the king would come to find him.

As she had expected, she was stopped by a servant before she could enter Cyrus' room.

"You can't enter, my lady," the man spoke gently.

Vara sighed. "Just step aside, Aeneas."

Aeneas hesitated. He didn't like denying her access, but the prince had given strict orders. He did not wish to be disturbed. And it wouldn't be appropriate for her to enter now and witness the scene inside.

Vara pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes. She took a deep breath. "Who is in there with him?"

Aeneas averted his eyes.

Vara nodded to herself and brushed past the servant. She entered Cyrus' room, ignoring Aeneas' protests.

"My lady, please..."

Vara walked up to the windows and pushed aside the large drapes to let in the sunlight. "Get up Cyrus," she said irritated.

From behind the curtain that shielded the sleeping area from the sitting area, she heard a loud curse. Something fell over. It sounded like a wine goblet.

Vara ignored it and walked around the room, picking up objects that were strewn across the floor. She narrowed her eyes in annoyance. "Cyrus, get your drunk ass out of the bed. Your father wants you in the barracks. The soldiers from Tireze have arrived yesterday. Be glad he didn't come to get you himself. Chloe, you have ten seconds to remove yourself from the room."

She heard rustling and indeed a few seconds later the servant girl rushed out of the room, still tying the cords of her gown.

A moment later Cyrus appeared in only a loin cloth.

Vara glared at him accusingly, but he ignored her and poured himself more wine. Before he could put the goblet to his lips however, Vara slapped it out of his hand. It clattered against the tiles, wine splashing across the floor.

Cyrus sighed and flicked his hand to clear away the drops that had spilled. "Well that was a waste of good vintage," he commented. He almost looked bored when he met her glare.

"Really Cyrus? Chloe?"

Cyrus took another goblet and gulped down the wine. He smirked. "She has... certain skills. Besides..." he shrugged, "you declined."

"Don't joke, Vara said, "what if Ariane had found out? Or Torcan? You do know he's just a spy for that Darius, don't you?"

"Yes, let's talk about Torcan, shall we?" Cyrus hissed, "you two seemed to get along rather well when we were in Dalós. Dancing and chatting together."

"I like him," Vara said simply, "he is nice."

"And then what?" Cyrus hissed through his teeth, "you want to marry him and move to Tireze?"

"Don't be ridiculous," Vara hissed back.

"I am being ridiculous? What was that about just now? Ordering Chloe away like a scorned lover? Are you jealous, Vee?" He cupped her cheek.

"I don't have to explain myself to you," Vara bit at him. She pushed his hand away. "Get dressed. You are needed in the training grounds." She turned around on her heels and stormed out of the room.


Ariane's face held a dreamy smile. She had seated herself in an alcove where she had a view of the gardens. She pulled her blanket tightly around herself. No one had come to dress her yet, but today she did not mind. It was such a lovely morning.

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