Chapter 90 New beginnings

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It seemed like forever since he had last seen his home, so he took a moment to take in the sight before approaching the gates.

Boncini looked so peaceful under a thin blanket of snow, with early sunlight giving it a dreamlike glow. Smoke was coming from the chimney, and a handful of guards was on the wall. In the distance, he could hear a rooster crow.

"It's good to come home again, isn't it?" Iolaus sighed next to him. They had travelled together from the fort, a slow journey since both were still injured.

Iason nodded quietly. Yes, it was great to come home. He immediately felt at peace. He never wanted to leave again.

He turned to Iolaus and smiled. "Come with me. At least for a moment. You know Vara will never forgive you if you don't at least greet her. It has been so long. I know she had worried about you."

Iolaus let out a soft laugh. "I wouldn't want Vee mad with me. I'll stay a little, but then I'll be on my way home. Vara is not the only one having missed a husband, and I think Ophelia is the one I should really worry not upsetting."

Iason laughed. "I suppose so." He took a deep breath and turned back to Boncini. "Let us not wait any longer then."

They descended down the hill towards the gate. Iolaus wouldn't admit it, but taking a little rest would not be such a bad thing. His injury was healing well, but still gave him discomfort and he tired easily.

It was still along way to Auros.

When they neared the gate, which was opened during the day, a call rang out that lord Iason had returned.

Two breaths later, Vara came running out the gate and collided with Iason who had dismounted.

"Vara," he breathed in her hair.

Vara tilted her head back to look at him, but didn't let him go. She studied his face carefully. "You're okay? You're really alright? I heard you were injured. How bad is it? You need to rest."

Iason chuckled softly and kissed her temple. "I'm fine, love," he said, "don't worry. They were only minor injuries."

"Are you sure?"

"Always so overprotective, Vee," Iolaus cut in. An amused smirk played on his lips. "Where is my hug? I was injured too." He pouted.

Vara released Iason and hugged Iolaus briefly, though no less sincere. "I'm glad to see you alive and well," she told him warmly, "come inside and eat something before riding on." She waved over a stablehand to take the horses and preceded the men inside.

Lykander and Chloe were the first to greet them. "Welcome, back my lord, it's a relief to see you again," Lykander smiled warmly and then turned to Iolaus. "Lord Iolaus," he bowed.

Iolaus nodded his head in greeting.

They seated themselves in the parlor where Chloe stirred up the fireplace. Not much later she brought in refreshments.

Iason sighed content and stretched out on a recliner. It was truly good to be home. His eyes were solely fixed on Vara. In the glow of the fire she looked even more beautiful than he remembered.

For a while, the three of them emerged in simple conversation. They could all use some light talk after all the fighting.

Close to noon, another presence announced himself, albeit hesitantly. A young boy stood on the threshold, unsure whether or not it was fit to enter.

The two men studied the boy curiously at first, but then both sat up straighter.

"Prince Lucius?" Iolaus questioned.

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