Chapter 61 Nightwake

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The night was lit with stars and a gentle moon stood overhead. It was so peaceful, like the past few days had not happened at all.

If she closed her eyes, she could almost pretend things were back to normal.

Except they weren't.

Vara stared out over the valley. There was still no news about Iason, and Iolaus had not yet returned from the search. So even though she was swaying on her feet from exhaustion, she could not sleep. Not until she knew Iason's fate.

A throat was being cleared not far from her and Vara looked up to find Torcan standing there, watching her calmly.

When he had her attention, he walked up to her and looked over the valley as she had been doing before. "No news yet?" he asked.

Vara shook her head. "Nothing." By now, even the news that Iason had died would be better than this uncertainty that was driving her mad. She took a deep breath. "I don't remember if I thanked you... for before, with that Balor warrior."

Torcan shook his head. "I'm just glad I was on time." The color drained from his face as he recalled memories from long ago. It made his blood run cold. A hand landed gently on his forearm and he found Vara smiling sadly at him. "I'm alright," he assured her, "the past is the past." He studied her. "I understand your worries keep you from sleeping, but you really should try and rest. I can't have you toppling down from these walls."

The smile she gave him was weak. "What about you then? Shouldn't you be sleeping? Or see to your king's needs?"

Torcan looked out over the valley again. "Darius went to visit his men in the barracks to see to the injured."

"I know," Vara said quietly.

He blinked confused. "How...?"

Vara half turned her body and nodded her head towards the courtyard where the barracks were. "I saw him go."

Torcan frowned concerned. "You've been up here this long? He left over an hour ago."

"It's quiet here," she answered, "almost peaceful."

Torcan nodded sadly. "Yes, that it is." At least she'd had the sense of mind to put on a cloak. The night air was chilly.

"Your brother seems nice," Vara changed the subject.

Torcan looked away. "My brother is young," he countered.

A faint smile passed over Vara's face. "No younger than you and I at that age."

Torcan sighed. "He wants to get to know me."

"Isn't that a good thing?" Vara asked.

Torcan leaned on the wall and stared into the night. "Lord Izem does not agree. He doesn't want his heir anywhere near someone like me."

Vara offered him a sad smile. "Lord Izem does not appear to be a very agreeable person," she said, "still, your brother is here now, without his father. If there is ever the chance of getting to know him, it is now. Iason says he..." her voice died down. For a moment she had forgotten.

A hand landed on her arm. "Don't lose hope."

Vara let out a shaky breath. "I try not to, but it's hard. They rode into a trap." Her voice trembled. "I don't know what I'd do if he..." She turned away and wiped a tear from her cheek.

Torcan remained silent. He knew there wasn't anything he could do or say to ease her worries, because they were justified. It was very likely that something had happened. "Why don't we go inside?" he asked, "if not to rest, then to take your mind of things. I'm sure there are things to do."

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