Chapter 19 To have and to hold

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For the second time in weeks, an array of guests was arriving at the palace. Preparations for the wedding were in full order. The ballroom had been turned into a garden. One more day and the union would be a fact. It was a time of happiness, but Vara could not bring herself to be happy. It felt like her heart was being shattered into a million pieces. And what was even worse, she had to hide it.

She hadn't had the chance to speak with Cyrus. All day long he had been summoned by courtiers and advisors. Ariane had also been kept in her quarters. Not that she had any desire to speak to the woman, but it was better than feeling lonely.

One more day.

She was going to lose him.

They had been thick as thieves for as long as she could remember. Tomorrow all that would change. Cyrus would marry Ariane and they would build a life together, start a family. And she would not be part of it.

Of course on paper she would still be Cyrus' adopted sister, but it would not be the same. She wasn't sure she could take it, seeing the two of them together every day, acting like nothing was wrong.

Vara took a deep breath and with determined steps she walked towards the East Wing where she knew the king to be.

He was speaking to two of his courtiers when she arrived. They bowed to her respectfully.

The king looked up and Vara curtsied. "My king," she said, fighting to keep her voice steady, "may I speak with you?"

King Marcos studied her for a moment, taking in her expression, and nodded for his courtiers to leave. They bowed again and retreated, leaving Vara with the king.

"Walk with me," king Marcos said and he offered her his arm.

They headed outside towards the garden where they would be sure to have privacy.

"The roses look nice this year," king Marcos commented, "my mother will be pleased." He paused and sighed when he didn't get a reaction. "I heard you offered to have flowers from Tireze planted for lady Ariane. That was very thoughtful of you."

Vara took a deep breath. "I wish to marry."

"And you will," the king said thoughtful, "I gave my word."

"I know, my king," Vara said, "what I meant to say was that I wish to marry now."

The king's steps halted, forcing Vara to stop as well. "I'm afraid that is not possible," he said calmly.

"What do you mean?" Vara said confused, "I known there have been inquiries. You told me so yourself."

"If I announce your engagement now, if you marry so soon after Cyrus, there will be talk. And if you get with child... there are already rumors, Vara."

"I have never done anything wrong," Vara said angry.

"It's about what people may think, Vara," the king said in a cold tone, "we may finally gain peace. We cannot risk civil war. Weren't you the one to point that out to me not so long ago?"

Vara gritted her teeth, tears were burning in her eyes. It was not fair. She had done nothing wrong. Why did she have to be the one to bear all the pain? "Then send me away," she choked out. Being away from Cyrus would still be better than being confronted with he fact that he was taken.

"I can't," the king said, "that would raise just as much suspicion. Besides, I need you here at court."

"Then what would you have me do?!" Vara now asked desperately.

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