Prelude (The Encore)

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"I think it's time to learn some healing spells."

At Emi's words, Wendy immediately stepped closer. She stood stiffly and locked eyes with the white haired woman.

"Actually, I have some spells that don't require a person who already possesses healing magic. I have another offensive spell for you that I can teach you later. Right now, I need Sting and Rogue."

"I get the holy magic type for healing, but a shadow type healing spell?" Levy questioned. "I've never heard of one."

"It's called Dark Shepherd."

"I've actually heard of that spell before," Rufus explained. "It takes the health of whoever the spell is aimed at and converts it into healing for the caster's allies."

Emi smiled brightly and nodded in agreement. She took the twin dragon slayers and headed off into the forest. The rest of the group stood confused in the inn and looked at each other curiously.

"Should we...train? Like what do we do?"

Makarov stepped up and cleared his throat.

"Alright everyone, I want you to go off on your own and practice. You can go in pairs if you want, but do not destroy anything. Got it?"

Sabertooth's members laughed when they saw Makarov glaring at his guild members.


After about an hour, Rogue had a handle on the spell. He used it a few times, taking the health of Sting and channeling it towards Emi, who had purposely injured her side. Sting was next, and the spell was explained to him simply.

"It's called Grand Redemption. You would need holy water, which shouldn't be a problem when there are water mages around."

"How do I make it holy water though?"

"You just bless it. Basically casting an enchantment over it."

Sting nodded, so Emi continued with her explanation.

"Now this isn't some regular healing spell. It takes about as much magic energy as when Wendy would have to heal for over two hours. It is extremely tasking to the body, but if you're able to do it then everyone within the circle that you draw will be healed."

Sting practiced the spell, and after a while he collapsed on the ground. His heavy breaths could be heard from across the field where Rogue sat. Emi crouched down beside Sting, smiling and giving him a thumbs up.

"Not bad, Eucliffe. Not bad."

He smiled wide, but groaned when he tried to move.


"Why'd you have Rogue leave? I thought we were training."

"The healing spells were already practiced, so I figured that he would be able to rest and join the others."

"And me?"

Emi leaned up to meet for a soft kiss before she pulled away. Sting grinned and went to repeat her actions, but Emi stepped away from him.

"I figured you would want to learn a new spell."

"Oh hell yes."

"I'm not gonna lie or put it lightly. This is a fatal spell, but it's also almost always fatal to whoever uses it."


"Anyone that came in contact with this spell has not survived. Target or caster."

"Uh...should we really be doing that? It's no good if we try the other spell and it fails."

Emi looked off to the side and sighed before reluctantly nodding and going to walk back to the inn. Sting caught her hand, taking in a deep breath.

"Let's do this."

"You won't actually be casting the spell until in battle due to the fatal nature, but I can explain it and walk through the steps."


"Rogue, are you sure they're coming back? It's been an awfully long time."

"They said they would return once they were done practicing."

As if on cue, the doors to the Fairy Tail inn opened slowly. Sting groaned and flopped down on one of the benches while Emi stretched over by the stairs.

"What happened to you two?" Cana questioned.

"She beat my ass is what happened. I'm beyond exhausted."

"Laxus," Emi whined, "I'm tired."

"So? What do you want me to do about it?"

She lazily stepped over to him, wrapping her arms around his waist and leaning into him.

"Carry me."

Laxus scoffed and refused, trying to pry her arms away from him. He found it was no use. Everyone raised their eyebrows when they heard her soft breathing.

"Wake up, brat. I'm not carrying you."

She remained silent, snuggling into his side. The lightning mage grumbled under his breath before scooping her up and turning towards the stairs.

"Honestly, you're a pain in the ass."

Everyone sweatdropped when they saw Emi quietly cheer at her success in getting him to carry her.

"Was she seriously awake the whole time?" Mira asked through her giggles.

Emi "woke up" once she was placed on her bed. She patted the spot next to her and Laxus reluctantly joined her, muttering how annoying she was. The white haired woman scooted over to him, wiggling her way under his arm and laughing when he huffed. Suddenly, Emi stopped moving completely. Laxus felt her stiffen under his arm and he looked at her concerned.

"Hey Laxus?"

"What now?"

"I think...they're coming."

"Those Sin freaks? Already?"

They heard a bang, and they both immediately leaped out of bed and rushed down the stairs.


A/N: Hey y'all. Sorry about the delayed update. My internet was just not cooperating with me long enough to publish for more than one work. I'll be posting a longer chapter next. Thanks!

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