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"This looks like a couple days after the last memory," Sting observed.

"Okay," Sting blurted as he and Emi were sitting on his couch, "what do I have to not do?"

Emi looked up from her book and tilted her head, asking him to elaborate.

"If you're hiding, do I have to hide from these people, too?"

Emi rolled her eyes before explaining, "They are mostly interested in my whereabouts and my death, but they would have fun in emotionally torturing me first by harming and killing those I hold dear. For now, I have been able to eliminate the spies that have seen me with you and the others, but I think that I should still try to keep my relationships with you and Phoenix Wing a secret just in case they try to come after you."

" bragging that you're my girlfriend?"

Emi blushed before slapping him on the arm while squeaking, "Knock it off! This is serious."

Sting chuckled before asking, "So what are the 'rules' of this situation?"

Emi shrugged before replying, "I guess no PDA. Also it would probably be best if the townspeople don't know either just in case. I don't want them harmed."



"Emi, do you want to go on a job with us?"

Emi struggled to hold the bags of groceries in her hands as she was stopped in the streets by Ayame, Kira, Sting and Lector.

"Um guys, can you--"

Lector interrupted, "We're going on a mountain job!"

"That's interesting. Do you think--"

Ayame continued, "It's supposed to be some Vulcan hunt or something."

"Cool. Listen, I need--"

"Here you go," Sting said as he took the bags from her hands just as she was about to drop them.

Emi breathed, "Thank you."

"So?" Kira questioned. "What do you say? Up to kick some Vulcan ass?"



"Pretty woman."

"Put me down!"

The group whipped their heads around to see that a group of Vulcans captured Kira and was holding her upside down by her feet. Ayame stepped forward and put her hands up.

"Gas Summon: Confuse."

A yellow gas surrounded the group of Vulcans before they had dropped Kira and turned towards each other.

"Pretty woman. Pretty woman. Pretty woman."

They all had heart eyes as they looked at each other. The wizards watched as the Vulcans started fighting each other. Emi turned to Ayame and started laughing.

"What? I had a gas for that."

"There seems to be a gas for everything."

"Man this sucks. I didn't even get to fight anything," Sting complained.

"Oh yeah, we can totally tell that Natsu is your idol."

Sting turned to Lucy and Cana and huffed.

There was a rumble behind them. When they all turned around, there were about thirty Vulcans standing there.

"Pretty woman."

"Oh hell yes. Come on, you Vulcan idiots. It's time to brush up on my magic."

Everyone rolled their eyes at the dragon slayer except Lector.

"That's right, Sting! You're the strongest wizard ever!"

"White Dragon Roar!"

Sting's attack took out half the Vulcans, throwing them off the side of the mountain. He turned to the others and readied another spell when he was kicked in the back of the knee by Kira.

"No way you get all the fun. Move aside."

Kira took out the other half with her Rushing Waters spell. Sting whined as he stood back up, complaining, "You always do this. Why can't I just do all of it every once in a while?"

"Because it's only fair that we all get to do something."

"What about me?" Emi spoke up.

Everyone looked to the white haired wizard before shrugging.

"You always do stuff," Ayame explained. "We figured we should give you a break sometimes."

Another rumble was heard before they found that another large group of Vulcans were standing there. Emi looked to everyone before asking if she could take this group.

"But Emi," Kira reasoned, "there had to be almost fifty of them."

"But you all were able to fight some."

"Let her do it," Sting spoke up. "She just wants something to do."

Emi smiled before turning to the Vulcans.

"Give me the pretty woman."

"But I am a pretty woman."

"No! Pretty woman! No boy!"

Emi's eyes twitched as she looked back at her friends.

"Really? Even Vulcans think I'm a guy? And a child at that? How insulting."

Everyone sweatdropped before telling her to deal with the Vulcans so that they could head back.

"Do I kill them?"

"What? Emi, no."

"Ice Make: Dragon."

"Lyon uses that spell, right Gray?"

Gray nodded before turning back to Emi and asking her to try to teach him more Ice Make magic.

"I mean you've read all those books and you seem to definitely know what you're doing."

"Of course! I would be happy to teach you."

A huge ice dragon lunged at the Vulcans before pushing them off the side of the mountain in one swing. Emi twirled back to face her friends who looked at her in shock.


"Lady Emiko is scary."

A/N: Another short one, but I'll post a couple chapters so that it was worth the wait of a slow update.

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