The End

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Once they were all set, they travelled to Era to attend the masters' meeting. Emi looked around and studied each master and their company. She quickly left Sting's side when she spotted Makarov.

"Master Grampa, I missed you!"

Before he could process it, he was pulled into a tight hug. He recovered shortly after and gave a hearty laugh.

"It seems you haven't lost your spark."

"I really miss you all. I wish Sabertooth was closer to Magnolia so I could visit more often."

"Yeah, brat. Now we have to listen to Natsu complain all the time because he doesn't have your cooking."

Emi turned behind her at the familiar voice and quickly hugged him. Laxus staggered back a little from the impact, but hugged back.

"How's the tigers treating you?"

"Well it's certainly different than Fairy Tail that's for sure. It's not as rowdy, and we do things more by the books."

"Yeah, except when you go to destroy everything," Sting muttered before turning to Makarov and Laxus. "It's nice to see you again."

"I don't destroy everything! It's not my fault that things break."

Makarov chuckled and patted her shoulder.

"You'll always be a Fairy Tail wizard deep down, child. Those habits aren't going away."

Sting rolled his eyes with a small 'of course' before making his way to the table. Makarov joined him soon after, followed by the other masters. Laxus and Emi leaned against the far wall and watched the discussion.

"Brings back memories, eh?" Emi joked.

Laxus wore a small smile and responded, "You could say that. So did you tell him yet?"

"Tell him what?"

Laxus gave her a blank look before casually pointing to her stomach. She giggled and gave a 'not yet' before leaning back more.

"You would think he would already know," she laughed, "but it seems that he's a little oblivious to his senses."

Laxus snorted and looked over towards the meeting table again.

"I'm sure he'll figure it out."

"I doubt it, which is why I'm just gonna tell him."


"That was super fun!" Emi shouted as they left the meeting. "We should get Fairy Tail and Sabertooth together more often."

"You know that wasn't the point of this meeting, right?"

"Lady Emiko knows that, Sting. She's the smartest wizard ever!"

"I thought I was!"

"You're the strongest wizard ever, Sting. Lady Emiko is the smartest."

Emi tittered and teased, "All brawn no brain, Eucliffe."

He huffed and dragged her back to the apartment once they reached Sabertooth's town. Emi lazily walked to her room and threw herself on the bed. Sting poked his head in her room and inched closer to her.

"Hey so I was just curious, and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but are you--"

"Pregnant?" She laughed. "It's about damn time, Sting."


Emi blinked a couple times and tested, "Is that...not what you were asking?"

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