Found You!

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After Gray and Juvia lost in the first competition and Lucy lost to Flare in the battle portion, morale was low in the Fairy Tail inn.

"No matter what happens, I will always believe in each one of you," Master Makarov declared.

"Man those Raven Tail people suck! I'm gonna make them pay for doing that to Lucy and Asuka."

"We just have to keep pushing forward," Erza commented.

Emi was the next one to speak up, getting up from her seat next to Laxus: "I believe in all of you as well. I know that Fairy Tail will win!"

Everyone smiled at the enthusiasm radiating off the woman, slowly coming out of their funk. The members decided to take a walk around Crocus, all going in separate directions with groups. Laxus and Emi traveled as a couple. Erza also went off by herself to speak to Jellal in private. Wendy remained in the infirmary from having all her magic drained from her. The rest of Fairy Tail walked around in groups.

"What you said seemed to cheer everyone up pretty well."

"You think so? I'm glad."

Laxus and Emi continued down the main road to explore the different flower carts.


Sabertoth's inn was tense. They had won first place in the competition, but everyone was still on edge from Master Jiemma. There was no time for celebration in Sabertooth; perfection and victory were a requirement and therefore did not deserve a celebration. Rogue and Sting sat in a corner with Lector and Frosch, talking about how Sabertooth will obviously win. Suddenly, Sting stopped talking.

Rogue decided to question the dragon slayer, obviously shocked that the rather talkative guy would suddenly grow quiet. Lector jumped onto the table so that he and Sting were face to face.

"Sting, are you okay?"


"What is it, Sting? What's wrong?"

"I smell her."

Rogue looked at Sting with a confused look.

"Are you talking about the same person you questioned me about when I came back from that mission?"

Sting suddenly stood up and ran out the door, Lector immediately flying after him. Rogue looked at Frosch before calmly standing up from his seat.

"We should probably go follow them before they get into trouble."

"Fro thinks so, too!"


"Laxus, look at all these flowers! I love this town."

Laxus hummed in response before spotting an ice cream stand. Emi followed his gaze and grabbed his hand, dragging him to get some ice cream before they continued to explore. They ran into Romeo and Macao on the way and they all decided to travel together, Emi sharing whatever she learned in the newest book she read.


"Dammit! Where the hell is she?"

"Sting!" Lector yelled as he finally caught up. "Do you really think it's her?"

"I haven't caught her scent for years, but I know that smell no matter how long it's been. I smelt it on Rogue a week ago, but this is the real deal. I can tell that she's here, Lector. It's not someone who bumped into her this time. The only problem is..."

"What is it, Sting?"

"I can smell her literally everywhere in the city. Every direction smells like her, which means that she's traveling with people."

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