memoria exisse

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Emi had ran off the train to a distant village. She looked around and saw that it was Hargeon. She quickly checked into an inn and dropped her cloak before sitting in the corner of the room and rocking as she sobbed. She couldn't stop, even after an hour of nonstop crying. Her eyes turned dull as she lost all emotion from exhaustion.

"I guess I don't have anything to lose now."

At her words, she started crying again. Her shaking was uncontrollable.

"Yuuki had to watch as Zack was killed. She loved him with all her heart and I took that away from them. Ursa sacrificed herself and I couldn't even make her death mean something. Yuuki and Ayame, they tried their best just like Rin and Mich. I..."

She gripped her arm so tightly that she started bleeding.


She screamed louder than she ever had before. She looked down at her clothes. The one Kira had bought her. She struggled to breath through her weeping.

"I did this to them. I did this to all of them. My selfishness killed them."

Someone knocked on her door, causing Emi to jump. She got into a fighting position and her eyes turned cold. A small voice spoke to the closed door.

"Miss, are you alright? We've been hearing your screams by the check in desk and I started to worry."

Emi whipped the door open and looked at the woman with a glare.

"I'm in good physical condition. Thank you for your concerns, but they are not needed."

"Are you su--"

"I am absolutely positive," Emi snapped as she closed the door and made her way back to the corner.

She looked towards her cloak and scoffed.

"What good did you do me, huh? You certainly didn't do your job. Are you telling me all this time I could've lived without you?"

Emi eventually passed out from exhaustion, but was haunted by the memories of her closest friends getting killed over and over.


After a couple days, Emi had finally left the room. She had not eaten and she barely slept. She went to grab her cloak so she could get something to eat, but she decided to leave it. Emi was able to find a small diner near the center of town, so she sat in the corner and ordered water and a bowl of rice. Afterwards, she was able to gather enough energy to walk towards the magic shop in town.

"Welcome to the shop! Tell me, are you a wizard? I could help you find something that suits your magic type," a young man cheered.

"That's the magic shop that I went to and got Plue."

"Did it change ownership recently?" Erza asked.

"Not that I know of."

"I'm just looking."

"I think I have something that will be of interest to you."

"I'm not interested."

"I think you could use a fresh start, don't you agree?"

Emi stopped walking and glared at the shop owner before telling him that she didn't need his help.

The man continued, "Haunted by your past, are you not?"

"That's none of your business."

"I have a deal that you might be interested in, daughter of Cain."

With that, Emi froze completely. She slowly turned around and saw that the man was smirking. Emi was in front of him in less than a second and held him up by his collar. She demanded to know who he was, but he just continued with his questions.

"Sloth wanted me to show you a way to make this all stop. Wouldn't you like to know? He said that if you agree, what's left of your guild will be safe from him and Wrath. He said it was a simple act of kindness for the trouble he has caused over the years."

"That demon doesn't know kindness."

"I would take the deal if I were you. What is his name? Sting? And that cat of his, Lector as it?'

Emi's gaze turned homicidal. She tightened her grip on his neck.

"Just so you know, I have nothing holding me back anymore to stop me from killing you."

The man cackled and reminded, "I would keep in mind your loved ones. If you take the deal, Sloth has promised that he will leave them and let them be safe. You should know that he knows where they are, and he has no problem attacking what's left of your happiness."

Emi slowly loosened her grip on the man and dropped him on the floor. She demanded to know what Sloth would consider a deal worth sparing her Sting and Lector.

"All you have to do is allow me to cast a simple memory spell on you. Then your friends will be safe."

"Em, please don't tell me that--"

Her only answer was spoken with her staring only at the memory, "It's definitely all coming together now."

"What does this spell entail?"

"It's a memory spell that erases your memories. Think of it as a fresh start. You won't have to deal with the sadness, the guilt, the anguish. It sounds like a pretty good deal to me."

Emi thought for a moment before turning to the man.

"I refuse."

"Well then I guess the Sins will deal with your loved ones."

"I will protect them myself."

With that, Emi started to exit the shop.

Sting let out a sigh of relief, thankful that Emi had not given up her memories for him. They all looked content with her refusal, but their faces quickly changed.

"Then I guess I have no choice."

Before Emi could ask what he was talking about, chains wrapped around her legs and pulled her off her feet before slamming her into a wall. She struggled to get on her feet. More chains appeared and grabbed her wrists and neck, making it impossible for her to shake them off. She commanded flames to erupt from her body as she tried to melt the chains.

"I should tell you that won't work. My chains were blessed by a holy priestess, so your demon magic has no effect."

Emi continued to struggle as she watched the man stalk closer to her. She saw his hands start to glow a bright green.

"Don't worry. This won't hurt a bit."

Emi glared at the man as his hands were placed on her temples.

"Before I make you forget anything, I should let you know that the people of Crocus are safe. The Sins asked me to alter their memories. They think that your guild was attacked and annihilated by a dark guild. If they were still alive," the man chuckled, "the rest of your guild would be free from harm as well once you lose your memories."

Emi growled as she continued to struggle with the chains. She glared daggers at the man.

"Oh, and just so you know," the man revealed, "this deal is only valid while your memories are gone. Once you regain them, they said that they will come after you again. So be a good little girl and keep forgetting."

Emi could feel her brain go fuzzy as her life flashed before her eyes. The chains started to release as she began to feel light headed. She flashed the killer look in her eyes. Just before her vision went black, she used her Immolate spell, engulfing the man in flames. She fell over once the chains were completely released, and she lay motionless on the floor.

"Holy shit," Gray and Natsu breathed.

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