Laxus vs Ivan

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"Holy shit. She can't be serious. All one hundred monsters?" Emi looked at Erza with shock and admiration.

Everyone watched intently to see how the event would play out. After she defeated all the monsters, Erza successfully won the competition, gaining full points for one of the Fairy Tail teams. Next was Cana's turn to impress the stadium. She had broken the MPF with her Fairy Glitter. Everyone started cheering. Emi looked over at the other teams and saw that they were all in shock. The next match was one that brought tension to the Fairy Tail section. Laxus versus Alexei of Raven Tail. After everything that Raven Tail had done to the wizards of Fairy Tail, everyone was ready for them to lose. Emi looked over to Laxus as he stood in the competitors section. Is he going to be okay?

Both challengers made their way into the field. As soon as the match started, Alexei started beating Laxus. Everyone looked on in shock, confused as to why the lightning mage was being overpowered so easily. Emi looked serious before looking down, clearly worried.

"Child, everything will be okay," Makarov soothed. "We have an eye on Raven Tail and we'll do something if we see anything suspicious."

Emi looked at the master before seriously stating, "Something's wrong."

Before anyone could question her, Emi jumped up on one of the pillars, right next to where Master Mavis was sitting. Everyone looked at her in shock before she started shouting towards the field.


"Child, please calm down. He'll be fine."

"Ivan might be your father, but he's not your family! Fairy Tail is your family! And if you think that it's wrong to fight your father then I'll carry the burden with you!"

Emi put her fists in the air and looked down at the field with a fire in her eyes. Sting looked on from Sabertooth's balcony in wonder. What is she doing?

Suddenly, a purple fog lifted from the field, revealing Laxus standing there with five members of Raven Tail laying on the ground defeated. Everyone was silent until the pumpkin man recognized "Alexei" as Ivan, the guild's master. Everyone gasped before someone shouted that Fairy Tail must be really strong for one of their wizards to defeat an entire team by himself. Laxus looked up at the stands to where Fairy Tail was sitting. He made eye contact with Emi before giving her a small smile. He then looked at her again with a serious look.

"Hey, get down from that pillar. You're going to fall, and I'm not catching your ass."

Emi smiled wide and cheered for the mage before getting down off the pillar and running down to the corridor leading to the field. She ran towards Laxus and gave him a big hug.

"You did it!"

Laxus grunted before gently patting her head. The two stayed there in silence before Laxus let out a quiet "thank you" to the woman.


"How on earth did she see through that?" Gray asked.

"I don't know," Natsu stated, "but that was super cool. I'm all fired up now!"


"Wow, a dragon slayer versus a god slayer? I have dreamed for this day to happen!"

Emi watched on as Wendy and Chelia began to battle. Her eyes twinkled once Wendy broke out her sky drill spell. She gasped when she saw that Chelia was able to heal herself mid-battle.

"You know," Levy started, "Sabertooth has a lightning god slayer on their team. Maybe he and Laxus will fight."

Emi's head whipped around and looked at Levy with a fire in her eyes.

"Do you really think so?!"

Everyone laughed at the woman's enthusiasm as they watched the fight.


"Man, this sucks."

"Sting, what're you talking about?" Rogue questioned, looking at the frustrated look on his partner's face.

"They seem so close and it's bothering the hell out of me. Like yeah, thanks for looking out for her, but they don't have to be so close," Sting muttered.


"Of course I am! She can't even remember me!"

"Sting," Rogue started, "how was she able to see through that illusion? I don't think anyone else was able to."

Sting smirked before stretching.

"Now who would I be if I didn't mate with someone just as powerful as myself?"

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