Here We Go

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A/N: Just pretend that there are days in between the events so this will work.


Emi quietly slipped into the inn, careful not to make too much noise and draw attention to herself. She silently made her way to Lucy's bedroom and creaked the door open.

"Psst. Lucy, I need to talk to you," Emi whispered.

Lucy slowly opened her eyes and blinked a couple times as she tried to find the source of the noise. She jumped when she saw that Emi had found her way to the side of her bed.

"You have to give a girl a warning before doing that, Emi."

Emi dragged Lucy out of her room and outside into the vacant street. She ignored the cold and held both of Lucy's shoulders before looking her in the eyes.

"I need your help."

"Okay? What for?"

"I have a date tomorrow."

"No way! You totally asked him out! I was starting to doubt my plan when I just threw you out there like that. How did you find him?"

"Well...he kind of found me. But what do I do on a date? I've never been on one before."

"You mean you don't remember ever being on one before. You've definitely been on one."

"That still doesn't help the fact that I don't know what to do!"

Lucy had calmed the woman down before reassuring her that it would go smoothly as long as she didn't panic. Emi nodded stiffly, making Lucy sweatdrop. She's totally going to panic. Lucy guided Emi back into the inn and dropped her off at her and Laxus's bedroom before leaving to go back to her own.

"Psst. Are you awake?"

There was silence before a quiet voice answered.

"Psst. Are you finally back?"

Emi laughed at the lightning mage before quickly changing into her sleep clothes and crawling into bed. She fell asleep rather quickly once she was engulfed by Laxus's arms.

"Why do we travel around so much? I'm tired of staying in all these different inns!" Emi whined.

Cain turned around as he continued walking. He stopped her and dragged her into a nearby alleyway. He took off the hood on his cloak before looking at her sternly.

"Listen kid. It's going to be bad news if someone spots me. We have to keep changing positions before they find me. You'll be in danger if we stay in one place for too long."

"I still don't get how I would be in danger if they're after you."

"Just trust me, kid."

"Can we at least stop at a food stand and get some ice cream? I'm starving."

"You're fifteen. You can go yourself. I'm going to check us into the inn."

"Wow, you must really be sick of me. You never let me go anywhere alone," Emi sarcastically answered.

Emi held onto Laxus a little tighter in her sleep as she felt the pain in her temples. She squirmed a little.

"Emi! Let's go. We're going to be late!"

Emi reluctantly opened her eyes, saying that there was no way she could get out of bed that day. Kira stood in front of Emi's bed with both hands on her hips. She quickly yanked the blankets off her bed, causing Emi to shiver at the sudden lack of warmth.

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